2008年3月23日 星期日

Good Friday, Easter Sunday

Christians mark Good Friday

Tens of thousands of Christian pilgrims have marked Good Friday with a procession in Jerusalem's walled Old City to retrace the steps tradition says Jesus took to his crucifixion. At the Vatican, meanwhile, Pope Benedict XVI is to preside over the Catholic Church's celebration of the Passion at St Peter's Basilica. Later, the 80-year-old Pontiff is to proceed to the Colosseum, in central Rome, where he is to take part in the Way of the Cross procession.

Pope addresses Tibet in Easter message

Easter Sunday Mass has been held in St. Peter's Square in Rome. Tens of thousands of people gathered in the famous square, despite rain, to follow the Christian ceremony which brings to a climax four days of Easter-related commemorations.

Pope Benedict XVI urged "solutions that will safeguard peace and the common good" in Tibet, the Middle East and Africa during his traditional Easter Sunday message. Sunday marks the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which Christians believe happened three days after he was crucified.

Good Friday noun [C or U]
In the Christian religion, Good Friday is the day Jesus is believed to have died, the Friday before Easter Sunday.

Easter Show phonetics
noun [C or U]
a Christian religious holiday to celebrate Jesus Christ's return to life after he was killed:
I get two weeks off school at Easter.
Easter Sunday, Easter Day noun [C usually singular]
the day on which Easter is celebrated

Stations of the Cross


