2025年2月18日 星期二

a shanda, a shame, a ghoulish crime. 這所學院「被覺醒之風」嚇到了the college was intimidated “by the winds of wokeness.” 。hecontributed to the most recent Republican platform and helped establish the D.C. infrastructure for the MAGA-movement-in-waiting over the past four years.

這所學院「被覺醒之風」嚇到了the college was intimidated “by the winds of wokeness.” 。hecontributed to the most recent Republican platform and helped establish the D.C. infrastructure for the MAGA-movement-in-waiting over the past four years.

 In early February, Wheaton College, an evangelical school outside of Chicago, took to social media to give a shout-out to one of its own for getting a prestigious job. An alumnus, Russell Vought, had just been confirmed as the director of the U.S. Office of Management and Budget. Vought, who also served at the O.M.B. in Donald Trump’s first Administration, has been credited as one of the intellectual architects of the President’s comeback: he contributed to the most recent Republican platform and helped establish the D.C. infrastructure for the MAGA-movement-in-waiting over the past four years.

Within a few hours, there were more than a thousand replies to the post, “primarily incendiary, unchristian comments about Mr. Vought,” a spokesperson told Religion News Service. In order to avoid a political dispute and honor the college’s commitment to nonpartisanship, the post was removed. “With that, what might have been a small dustup turned into a full-on war that reached far beyond Wheaton’s students and alumni,” Emma Green writes. On social media, the son of a prominent evangelist said that the college was intimidated “by the winds of wokeness.” Another evangelist radio host accused the college of leading the way in “false ‘nice’ Christianity.” While Wheaton always fashioned itself as theologically conservative, it was never overtly partisan. Green reports on why maintaining that posture has become increasingly difficult: https://newyorkermag.visitlink.me/yeXeZn
可能是城堡、倫敦塔和顯示的文字是「 + A Fist Fist-Fight Over Donald Trump at the Evangelical Version of Harvard By Emma Green NEW YORKER 」的圖像

2 月初,位於芝加哥郊外的福音派學校惠頓學院在社群媒體上表彰了一名本院學生獲得了一份體面的工作。校友拉塞爾沃特剛被任命為美國管理和預算辦公室主任。沃特也曾在 O.M.B. 任職。在唐納德·川普的第一屆政府中,他被認為是總統復出的智力設計師之一:他為最新的共和黨綱領做出了貢獻,並在過去四年中幫助為即將舉行的“讓美國再次偉大”運動建立了華盛頓特區的基礎設施。

發言人向宗教新聞社表示,幾個小時內,該貼文就收到了一千多條回复,「主要是針對沃特先生的煽動性、非基督教的評論」。為了避免政治爭端並履行學院的無黨派承諾,該職位被刪除。 「由此,原本可能只是一場小規模的爭吵,卻演變成了一場全面戰爭,影響範圍遠遠超出了惠頓學院的學生和校友,」艾瑪·格林寫道。在社群媒體上,一位著名福音傳道者的兒子表示,這所學院「被覺醒之風」嚇到了。另一位福音電台主持人指責該學院引領「虛假的『美好』基督教」。儘管惠頓學院一直將自己標榜為神學保守派,但它從未公開表現出黨派傾向。格林報告了為何維持這種姿態變得越來越困難:https://newyorkermag.visitlink.me/yeXeZn

When Grave Markers Are Stolen, He Speaks for the Dead

To Michael Hirsch, the desecration of hundreds of graves was a shanda, a shame, a ghoulish crime. He wanted to do something about it.

  1. 1.
    resembling or characteristic of a ghoul.
    "a ghoulish mask"
  2. 2.
    morbidly interested in death or disaster.
    "she told the story with ghoulish relish"
Shanda” is a Yiddish word that means “shame” or “disgrace” in English. It can also refer to a scandal or scandalously shameful event. For example, you might say "It's a shanda what you do to your meal". 
Shanda is pronounced "SHAWN-deh". Most Yiddish speakers pronounce it as "shande" or "shanda". 
  • Virtual Tenement Talk: Shanda
    “Shanda” is a Yiddish word that translates into English as shame, or disgrace.
    Tenement Museum
  • What Does "Shanda" Mean"? - Chabad.org


