2024年10月20日 星期日

a top-of-the-line radar detector, Progeria Research. stuntwoman


A portrait of Michael Valentine smiling and posing for the camera while holding a radar detector in his right hand, his left hand on his hip.
Michael Valentine in 2019. He and a partner built a top-of-the-line radar detector, and he upgraded it numerous times over three decades.Credit...Brian Steege

Toni Vaz, Stuntwoman and Founder of N.A.A.C.P. Image Awards, Dies at 101

  1. a woman employed to take the place of an actor or actress in performing dangerous stunts.
    "she wisely called in a stuntwoman to take her fall"

Sammy Basso, Advocate for Progeria Research, Is Dead at 28

One of about 150 people known to have a rare condition that causes rapid aging, he sought to raise awareness and participated in the search for a cure.

11h agoBy 

早年衰老症候群(Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria syndrome),簡稱早衰症。早衰症是一種極端罕見的遺傳性疾病,其患者身體的老化過程十分快速。而罹患此病孩童的年齡很少超過13歲,大約每八百萬個新生兒之中就有一位得到此疾。雖然早衰症是一種遺傳性疾病,但是發生的十分零星且很少在家族之中遺傳下來。



