2022年3月30日 星期三

webscalers, Web-scale-server, Web-scale-it


為了實現這個目標,各大營運商與所謂的「雲端網絡公司」(webscalers)建立了合作關係,這些大型雲端服務供應商包括亞馬遜的AWS、微軟的Azure、Google和Meta,他們為大公司處理數據儲存、網上訂購和影片串流媒體業務。所有雲端運算龍頭都將5G視為開拓新服務種類的重要切入點,譬如取代Wi-Fi的安全私人網絡、工廠自動化和邊緣運算(Edge Computing),讓網絡硬件更接近終端用戶,從而提升速度。

Web-scale-server meaning

A server used to host a website or Web content that uses low-power CPUs, such as Intel's Atom and VIA Technology's Nano processors. Rack-mounted Web-scale servers are designed to be power efficient for requests that return a basic Web page and graphic elements rather than huge data transfers. For example, SGI refers to its class of Web-scale servers as supporting the "large scale-out environment" for Web serving. See Web-scale IT.

Web-scale-it definition

The methods and approaches used by very large service providers on the Internet. The term was coined by Gartner to refer to many automated processes used in the large cloud datacenters. Increasingly, the smaller organization is using the tools and techniques employed by giants such as Google, Facebook and Microsoft. See Web-scale server and IT.


