cathedral :主教座堂:教區中的首要聖堂,堂內置有主教的(寶座)座位; cathedra 拉丁文意即座位,故稱主教座堂。
cathedral chapter :座堂聖職(歌詠)團:是主教座堂的參議神父,協助主教處理教務,現已廢除。
cathedraticum ( Gr. ):主教捐;座堂稅:主教所轄的各堂區,每年應繳納規定的捐獻,以維持主教和教區的開銷。
The Pre-Raphaelites. Tate Gallery.
Winchester Cathedral
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2.1Stained glass
2.3Monuments and treasures
2.4Chantry Chapels
A chantry is an ecclesiastical term that may have either of two related meanings:[1]
- a chantry service, a Christian liturgy of prayers for the dead, which historically was an obiit, or
- a chantry chapel, a building on private land, or an area in a parish church or cathedral reserved for the performance of the "chantry duties".
In the Medieval Era through to the Age of Enlightenment it was commonly believed such liturgies might help atone for misdeeds and assist the soul to obtain eternal peace.[2]
The word "chantry" derives from Old French chanter and from the Latin cantare (to sing).[3] Its mediaeval derivative cantaria means "licence to sing mass". The French term for this commemorative institution is chapellenie (chaplaincy).[4]
Chantry Chapels[edit]
The cathedral building contains a large number of chantry chapels, often dedicated to the various Bishops of Winchester. These chantry chapels, which can be found mostly in the retrochoir but also the nave, are intricately designed. Famous chantry chapels include those of William Wykeham, William Wayneflete, Richard Fox and Henry Beaufort.[50]