2020年9月4日 星期五

Cheapside, cheap broadly meaning "market" in medieval English, chapman and chapbook,

チープサイド (Cheapside)

イングランド ロンドンの道路

Cheapside is a common English street name, meaning "market place", from Old English ceapan, "to buy" (cf. German kaufen, Dutch kopen, Danish købe, Norwegian kjøpe, Swedish köpa, pronounced [sheu-pah]), whence also chapman and chapbook, as well as the contemporary verb "to shop".[1] There was originally no connection to the modern meaning of cheap ("low price", a shortening of good ceap, "good buy"), though by the 18th century this association may have begun to be inferred.

Cheapside is the former site of one of the principal produce markets in London, cheap broadly meaning "market" in medieval English. Many of the streets feeding into the main thoroughfare are named after the produce that was once sold in those areas of the market, including Honey Lane, Milk Street, Bread Street and Poultry.




