2020年10月23日 星期五

receptacle, goodwill, interlocutors. disinterested elite, WOLF WARRIOR.The time for Europe to put forward a single interlocutor for the outside world has come

"China's lack of progress in building significant stores of global goodwill is the result of strategic miscalculations, underpinned by confrontational diplomatic tactics & harsh tone from government spokespeople and interlocutors."
意見| 戰狼

Mr. Kennan believes that large nations -- he calls them "monster countries" (the United States, the former Soviet Union, China, India and Brazil) -- are "problems to themselves." To achieve a greater "intimacy" in civil life, he advocates, with a sort of earnest whimsy, a radical devolution of the Federal Government's authority to 12 constituent republics, to be organized on regional lines. He does not explain why the 50 states are not suitable receptacles for authority shed by Washington.

His conservatism is a curious and not quite coherent blend of two traditions long since relegated to the losing side of American history. One is the anti-Federalist suspicion of great size in a polity, and fear of the concentration of political power in the central government. The other tradition is a high Federalist, even Tory, belief that the central government should be staffed by a disinterested elite and must be strong enough to supervise the base habits of the turbulent masses.

Peace talks over the war in Ukraine may soon take place. The time for Europe to put forward a single interlocutor for the outside world has come

noun C ]
 /rɪˈsep.tə.kəl/ US 

container used for storing or putting objects in:
Residents are given four separate receptacles for their rubbish.


