2 日前 — California EV startup Canoo has revealed a quirky electric pickup truck due out in 2023. It's built on the same EV platform that will power the company's other vehicles, and is geared at small businesses and outdoor ...
Canoo's pickup truck has a "cab forward" design that places the driver almost directly over the front wheels
Katsumi Kokoma had always been dissatisfied with conventional kanji dictionaries. The reference works, he said, generally exclude some characters, such as nabe-bugyo--describing a person who is bossy about how to eat a nabe stew--despite their frequent use in Japanese novels.
"Bossy" or "assertive", "bubbly" or "charismatic": the English language uses different words to describe men and women. The Economist's language expert Lane Greene explores the gender stereotypes used in everyday speech
Hiking, Biking and Bubbly in South Africa
The Constantia Valley near Cape Town is awash in sensory pleasures, from wine to nature.
'Paul McCartney: A Life'
Reviewed by SUZANNE VEGA
This biography aims to present Paul McCartney as more artistically and intellectually complex than the sweet and bubbly caricature we have known.Bottler Spills Out of Athens
Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling will move its headquarters to Switzerland and switch its main market listing to London, in the biggest sign yet of southern European companies pulling away from the troubled region over funding costs.
As Champagne Fizzles, Makers Squash Supply
Grape growers and Champagne bottlers agreed to pick 32% fewer grapes this year, leaving excess fruit on the ground, in a move to counter fizzling bubbly sales.
- Full of or producing bubbles: a bubbly drink; a bubbly soap.
- Resembling bubbles: big, bubbly clouds.
- Full of high spirits; effervescent: bright, bubbly children.
[形](-bli・er, -bli・est)
1 泡の多い, 泡立つ.
2 陽気な.
━━[名][U]((英俗))シャンパン(酒).“ Bossy”或“ assertive”,“ bubbly”或“ charismatic”:英語使用不同的詞來形容男人和女人。 經濟學家的語言專家萊恩·格林(Lane Greene)探索了日常演講中使用的性別定型觀念
如果直接翻譯"Bossy" or "assertive", "bubbly" or "charismatic" 成:“專橫”或“自信”,“起泡”或“超凡魅力”等,有意義嗎?