2020年2月19日 星期三

misdeed, bit player. Two-Bit, leaked document

A leaked document reveals that China targets its Uighur minority based on religion and ethnic identity. We met a Uighur woman whose sister is on the list with the alleged misdeed of having too many children.

Leader of Megachurch to Step Away

Troubled by allegations of sexual and financial misdeeds, Bishop Eddie L. Long — above, in 2010 — said he would stop preaching for a time at his church near Atlanta.
Plagiarism Lines Blur for Students in Digital Age
Sarah Brookover, left, a senior at Rutgers University in New Jersey, with Vibiana Bowman Cvetkovic, a reference librarian.
College officials suggest that many students simply do not grasp that using words they did not write is a serious academic misdeed.

不是由北京派出,針對國家敵人搞破壞行動的訓練有素的情報特工人員,充其量只是一個遊走在間諜團體邊緣的"路人甲"(bit player)?

noun C ]
an act that is criminal or bad:
She's been making up for her past misdeeds by doing a lot of voluntary work.

Cheap; of bad quality.
I was expecting a tale of fun and excitement, but instead I listened to a two-bit story about Rick's trip to his grandmother's.

bit player

  1. 《a ~》〔ドラマなどで〕端役を演じる人[専門の俳優]◆【参考】bit character
  1. 《a ~》〔業界などにおいて〕ごく小さな存在


