2024年11月29日 星期五

tonic, dominant, sub-dominant, back to back. Instead of relying on written text to generate answers to questions, the new models teach robots sets of behaviours which can be combined into new ones

Instead of relying on written text to generate answers to questions, the new models teach robots sets of behaviours which can be combined into new ones

Between high material costs, steep duties and drinkers increasingly turning to low-or no-alcohol alternatives, the industry may soon find itself in need of a tonic https://econ.trib.al/SWoRVY9

Photograph: Getty Images

British retailers reported a bigger-than-expected drop in sales in July as heavy rain put off shoppers who are also feeling the hit from high inflation and 14 back-to-back increases in interest rates https://reut.rs/3QKVAhr

Mark Zuckerberg used advertising to turn Facebook into the first global social media giant, but today there are questions about how it’s working. Listen to the latest episode of Tech Tonic as Elaine Moore looks at the business model that has powered the platform for the past 15 years. https://on.ft.com/3NBwK0k

英國小說家薩姆爾.布特勒(Samuel Butler, 1835-1902)說:「如果男人是『主音』(tonic)上帝是『屬音』(dominant, 正確意思是『上主控音』),那麼魔鬼就是『下屬音』 (Sub-dominant, 正確意思是『 下主控音』)而女人就是『關係小調音』(relative minor)。」
(說明:音是由弦或管的震動來的,如果我們用一段弦或管的長度產生出來的某音,作為我們的「主音」,那要如何從這條弦或管中去找出其他的音呢?我們用三分法可以找到以完全五度相間一系列的音。如果以C作為我們的「主音」,我們用3來除這條弦,依序會在C的「上方」產生C-G-D-A-E-B-#F.....,我們用3 來乘這條弦,依序會在C 的「下方」產生C-F-bB-bE-bA-bD-bG-bC.......,因此「上方」的G跟「下方」的F是跟C最親近的兩個音!而西方把這兩個音分別稱為"dominant","sub-dominant",因為它們分別掌控了「上面」跟「下面」的「音」!沒有經過這兩個音,就不會有其他的音出現!布特勒就是用這種關係比喻為上帝與魔鬼。而男女關係是以共用一個「調號」的兩個調來比喻,一個大調是「陽」性的,一個小調是「陰」性,各有「主音」,但彼此互相「關係」的特性來隱喻的。)
  1. 1C強壮剤[薬]
  2. 1aUCヘア[スキン]トニック
  3. 1bUC(ハイボール用の)トニックウォーター(tonic water);((主にニューイング))=soft drink
  4. 2C〔通例単数扱い〕《音楽》主音;《音声学》主調子
  5. 3C〔通例単数扱い〕(肉体的・精神的に)元気づけるもの
  1. 1((形式))〈薬などが〉(体を)強壮にする;(肉体的・精神的に)元気づける,鼓舞する
  2. 2《音楽》楽音の;主音の;《音声学》(特に第一)強勢のある
  3. 3《言語学》(中国語のように)音調・抑揚によって語の区別をつける;(話し言葉で)音調に関する
  4. 4《生理》トーヌス状態の;持続緊張の

  1. 1.
    having power and influence over others.
    "they are now in an even more dominant position in the market"

  1. 1.
    a dominant trait or gene.
    "this disorder is inherited as a dominant"
  2. 2.
    the fifth note of the diatonic scale of any key, or the key based on this, considered in relation to the key of the tonic.

  1. 1(…に対して)支配的な;最有力な,優勢な≪overto
    • dominant figure
    • 最有力な人物
  2. 1a《遺伝》優性の(⇔recessive);〈対の器官の一方が〉優位の,…利きの;《生態》優占の
    • dominant eye
    • 利き目
  3. 2〈建物などが〉群を抜いて高い,そびえ立つ
  4. 3《音楽》(音階の)第5音の,属音の
  1. 1《遺伝》優性遺伝子,優性形質;《生態》優占種
  2. 2《音楽》(音階の)第5音,属音


