2019年2月16日 星期六

Readout, Make It A Point To (do Something)

Trump Gets Readout on China Trade Talks Progress From U.S. Team.

Klee and Kandinsky saw each other for the last time in February 1937, when Kandinsky and his wife Nina travelled to the Swiss capital for the opening of a retrospective of his work at the Kunsthalle Bern. While there, they made a point of visiting Klee, who was largely housebound due to the debilitating illness that had plagued him since 1935. Kandinsky brought with him the watercolour Above-Below, which he dedicated ‘To my dear friend of many years’.

Definition of make it a point to (do something) : to give one's attention to (doing something) to make sure that it happens She makes it a point to treat her employees fairly.

Make It A Point To (do Something) | Definition of Make It A Point To (do ...



Dictionary result for read-out

noun: readout
  1. 1.
    a visual record or display of the output from a computer or scientific instrument.
    "a digital read-out of latitude and longitude"
  2. 2.
    an official statement summarizing the points discussed during a meeting or phone call between diplomats or political figures.
    "the White House read-out of the call came after the prime minister postponed a key speech on the European Union"


