2019年1月21日 星期一

resounding, showdown, face of, f grind on, in limbo, path forward. slows down, Plan B, looked a lot like

Brexit remains in limbo, the U.S. government shutdown grinds on and China’s economy slows down. 

May returns with Brexit Plan B
Prime Minister Theresa May returned to Parliament with an alternative blueprint for Britain’s withdrawal from the E.U.
Infuriating some lawmakers, it looked a lot like her initial plan, which was voted down last week in the most resounding parliamentary defeat in British history.
Why it matters: The face off could become another epic political showdown that leaves the Brexit process where it has been for months — stuck in limbo with no obvious path forward.
Go deeper: The speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercrow, has emerged as the surprise star of Brexit after he broke with precedent to wrest some control over the decision-making process.

Grind on definition: If you say that something grinds on , you disapprove of the fact that it continues to... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples.


