2018年11月29日 星期四

secretiveness; Nonbinary, Christmas tree-lighting ceremony

The man "who brought Christmas back to America” left his own Christmas tree-lighting ceremony early.
Hannah Arendt reflects on her friendship with the poet W. H. Auden, who had "the necessary secretiveness of the great poet" (from 1975).

It was always the White House’s plan to coax us into a blissful ignorance about the war. Part of this was achieved with the usual Bush-Cheney secretiveness, from the torture memos to the prohibition of photos of military coffins. But the administration also invited our passive complicity by requiring no shared sacrifice. A country that knows there’s no such thing as a free lunch was all too easily persuaded there could be a free war.

每日一詞:Nonbinary |性別的第三選擇 
男女之外,性別還有第三種選項嗎?一些美國公立學校給出了答案:nonbinary(非二元性別的)。 時報一則報導寫道:“華盛頓特區的學校對明年的公立學校入學表格做出了一個小改動:'非二元性別的'——意指那些性別認同不單純屬於男性或女性的人,被加入到性別選擇中。這是被一些LGBTQ群體成員認為是一大進步的最新例子。”
Nonbinary意為“非二元的” ,可指那些超越傳統意義上的二元劃分,不單純屬於男性或女性的自我性別認同。它也被廣泛稱作genderqueer(性別酷兒),用來指稱那些超越傳統意義上對男性或女性的二元劃分、不單純屬於男性或女性的自我性別認同。 
在中國, 一些父母對兒子們的擔憂是傳統二元社會性別觀念的例證。在部分中國家長看來,“流行偶像中性化、母親過分溺愛、以女性居多的教師,會把他們變成嬌氣的愛哭鬼”。在這種觀念中,男孩應該勇敢、不好哭、有血性,否則就將淪為“androgynous”(不男不女的)或“effeminate”(女孩子氣的)。 


Noun. 1.secretiveness - characterized by a lack of openness (especially about one's actions or purposes)


mid 19th century: back-formation from secretiveness, suggested by French secrétivité, from secret 'secret'


  • 発音記号[síːkritiv]
[形](…を)隠しだてする((about ...)), 秘密主義の. ⇒SECRET[形]4


