2018年5月25日 星期五

zoom, zoom by, zoom in on sth

zoom in/out phrasal verb
to (cause a camera or computer to) make the image of something or someone appear much larger and nearer, or much smaller and further away:
At the beginning of the film, the camera zooms in to show two people sitting by the side of a river.
Click on a photo of any student, and it zooms out to full-size.
Television cameras zoomed in on the fans fighting in the stands.

1 [I + adverb or preposition] to move very quickly:
They got into the car and zoomed off.
In the last few metres of the race, she suddenly zoomed ahead.

2 [I] If prices or sales zoom, they increase suddenly and quickly:
House prices suddenly zoomed last year.

zoom in on sth phrasal verb INFORMAL
to notice and give special attention to something:
Henry immediately zoomed in on the weakest part of my argument.


