2018年3月17日 星期六

molten, living space, pregnant sow

To produce one sculpture, the design is first drawn on the wood and then the center is extracted from it. Afterwards, molten glass is blown into the empty space and hugs its curves.
Artists Scott Slagerman and Jim Fishman combine woodworking and molten glass blowing into dazzling abstract forms that fit perfectly together.

LOS ANGELES -- In a clash between a major state industry and the growing humane farming movement, California voters will decide next month whether the state's farms must afford more living space to veal calves, egg-laying hens and pregnant sows.

(By Ashley Surdin, The Washington Post)sow2 (soupronunciation
    1. An adult female hog.
    2. The adult female of several other animals, such as the bear.
    1. A channel that conducts molten iron to the molds in a pig bed.
    2. The mass of metal solidified in such a channel or mold.
[Middle English, from Old English sugu and Old English .]

Definition of molten

made by melting and casting
2fused or liquefied by heat melted 
  • molten lava
3having warmth or brilliance glowing
  • the molten sunlight of warm skies
  •  —T. B. Costain


