Quotable: “It could be unwise for anybody in China, or outside China, to be complacent that this is coming under control at this point in time,” said the chief of virology at the University of Hong Kong.
Why Europe cannot be complacent about its recent economic success |
Complaisant sex, dusting, and the Ladies' Home Journal. Betty Friedan dared to ask "is this all?" We look back at her life for International Women's Day
Boswell is faced with presenting the event in a fashion that conveys his anticipation, Johnson's tension, and finally the complaisant acceptance which arose between Johnson and Wilkes.
Sex and Control – The Dangers of Complacency Sex in Controlling ...
"Complacency sex” is having sex with a controlling husband so as to avoid the consequences of not having sex. Read on to understand this common “intimacy” practice in controlling abusive relationships.