中文很精闢,一個「冷不防」,紐約就冷得讓人措手不及,更別提昨天超誇張的Snow Squall(雪颮)
Students enjoy a short, intense snow squall between Uris and Olin libraries Sunday evening.
When Miriam Elia released a small book lampooning the art world, she might have expected a squall, but she was completely unprepared for the force of what swept down on her.
“Landscapes after Ancient Masters, Leaf F: Wang Hui, Cloudy Mountains, After Gao Kegong” (1674) Wang Hui’s 22 album leaves, four of his handscrolls and 10 hanging scrolls show him at work in the 1660 and early 1670s on what was called his “Great Synthesis.” The album leaves show him riffling through the past with completely loose joints, at top speed, constantly shifting the calibration of calligraphy and description.
In China, Projects to Make Great Wall Feel Small
Despite economic choppiness, the country that built the Great Wall is attaining new superlatives in bridges, tunnels, rail links and other projects of immense size — and expense.
Under the Taiwan Relations Act, passed in 1979, all American administrations must help arm Taiwan so that it can defend itself. And China, which has never renounced what it says is its right to “reunify” Taiwan by force, feels just as bound to protest when arms deals go through. After a squall briefly roils the waters, relations revert to their usual choppy but unthreatening passage.
趙無極自畫像 (台北:藝術家 1992) 將作品 Mistral 翻成"強風" ,不準確。
A dry cold northerly wind that blows in squalls toward the Mediterranean coast of southern France.
[French, from Provençal maestral, from Old Provençal, from Late Latin magistrālis, of a master, from Latin magister, master.]
- 名 〈フランス語〉ミストラル◆フランス南東部に吹く強い北風
squall1 (skwôl)

A loud, harsh cry.
intr.v., squalled, squall·ing, squalls.
To scream or cry loudly and harshly.
[Probably of Scandinavian origin, akin to Old Norse skvala, to squeal.]
squaller squall'er n.squall2 (skwôl)

- A brief sudden violent windstorm, often accompanied by rain or snow.
- Informal. A brief commotion.
To blow strongly for a brief period.
[Probably of Scandinavian origin.]
中文很精闢,一個「冷不防」,紐約就冷得讓人措手不及,更別提昨天超誇張的Snow Squall(雪颮)
--> n.
- A rocky shoal or sandbar lying just below the surface of a waterway.
- A stretch of choppy water caused by such a shoal or sandbar; a rapid.
- In mining, the sectional stone or wood bottom lining of a sluice, arranged for trapping mineral particles, as of gold.
- A groove or block in such a lining.
- Games. The act or an instance of shuffling cards.
v., -fled, -fling, -fles. v.tr.
- Games. To shuffle (playing cards) by holding part of a deck in each hand and raising up the edges before releasing them to fall alternately in one stack.
- To thumb through (the pages of a book, for example).
- Games. To shuffle cards.
- To become choppy, as water.
1 〈海・湖が〉波立っている.
2 〈風などが〉変わりやすい;〈市場などが〉変動の激しい.
3 〈小説などが〉(文体・質に)むらがある,構成が拙劣な.
adj., -pi·er, -pi·est.
Having many small waves; rough: choppy seas.
[From CHOP1.]
choppily chop'pi·ly adv.choppiness chop'pi·ness n.
chop·py2 (chŏp'ē)

adj., -pi·er, -pi·est.
Abruptly shifting; variable. Used of the wind.
[From CHOP2.]

chop 3 (ch

1. An official stamp or permit in the Far East.
a. A mark stamped on goods or coins to indicate their identity or quality.
b. Quality; class: first chop.
[Hindi ch
p, seal.]


━━ n., v. 〔米〕 浅瀬(を作る[となる]); 〔米〕 さざ波(を立てる[が立つ]); 【トランプ】左右の手に分けた札をぱらぱらとはじき混ぜる(こと).
riffle through (書類・本のページを)ぱらぱらとめくる.
