On his first morning as President Trump’s national security adviser, in 2017, H. R. McMaster invited me to drop by his office. He had heard that The New York Times was getting ready to report on a classified U.S. operation that attempted to sabotage North Korea’s missile programs with cyberstrikes. “Is this the revelation of the modern-day Enigma codes?” he asked, the military historian searching for an analogy from the World War II operation to crack German ciphers.
2017年,在擔任特朗普總統國家安全顧問的第一個早上,H·R·麥克馬斯特(HR McMaster)請我去他辦公室一趟。他聽說《紐約時報》正準備報導美國試圖通過網絡攻擊,破壞朝鮮導彈計劃的一項機密行動。“這是當代的恩尼格瑪密碼破譯嗎?”他問道,這位軍事歷史學家試圖從二戰期間破譯德國密碼的行動中尋找類比。
《時代雜誌》的亞洲總編輯在報導馬習會文章中,就用了「yesterday man」(過氣的人)、「cipher」(無足輕重的人;意即無用之人)來形容馬英九;還酸馬英九,在黨內同志眼中就只是位「魯蛇」( loser「失敗者」),「Ma will be a cipher. Even some in his own party regard him as a loser」!
Now, to stay one jump ahead of fraudsters and their automated programs, researchers are devising more versions of the puzzles, called captchas, to help sites block abuse that includes spam e-mail, illegal postings and skewed online voting.
yesterday's man
A man, especially a politician, whose career is finished or past its peak.
‘he was no sooner elected leader than the media dismissed him as yesterday's man’
The mega-expensive musical is no longer the ungodly, indecipherable mess it was in February. It’s just a bore.
Now, to stay one jump ahead of fraudsters and their automated programs, researchers are devising more versions of the puzzles, called captchas, to help sites block abuse that includes spam e-mail, illegal postings and skewed online voting.
captcha(Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) A category of technologies used to ensure that a human is making an online transaction rather than a computer. Developed at Carnegie Mellon University, random words or letters are displayed in a camouflaged and distorted fashion so that they can be deciphered by people, but not by software. Users are asked to type in the text they see to verify they are human.
United States Cyber Command - Wikipedia
このページを訳すUnited States Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) is one of ten unified commands of the United States' Department of Defense. It unifies the direction of cyberspace operations, strengthens DoD cyberspace capabilities, and integrates and ...
アメリカサイバー軍 - Wikipedia
アメリカサイバー軍(アメリカサイバーぐん、United States Cyber Command; USCYBERCOM)は、アメリカ軍のサイバー戦を担当する統合軍である。 目次. 1 概要; 2 任務; 3 設立の経緯; 4 配下の部隊; 5 本拠地とリーダーシップ. 5.1 本拠地; 5.2 リーダーシップ ...
captcha(Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) A category of technologies used to ensure that a human is making an online transaction rather than a computer. Developed at Carnegie Mellon University, random words or letters are displayed in a camouflaged and distorted fashion so that they can be deciphered by people, but not by software. Users are asked to type in the text they see to verify they are human.
cipher noun (PERSON)
cipher noun (SECRET LANGUAGE)
[ C or U ] also cypher a system of writing that prevents most people fromunderstanding the message:
The message was written in cipher.