2022年6月6日 星期一

sedition, faithless, epigram, epigraph, perpetuated, heathen, heresy, racial colorblindness, unbelieving eyes

Proud Boys Charged With Sedition in Capitol Attack

The former leader of the far-right group and four others were indicted for seditious conspiracy in connection with the Jan. 6 assault.

However, said Mr. Greene, in the “triumphant rightness” of artistic judgment, Sir Carol! changed the ending to have Anna walk scornfully past Holly, appearing to barely notice his confused, unbelieving eyes.

Sir Carol, Mr. Greene added, was “the only director I know with that particular warmth of human sympathy, the extraordinary feeling for the right face for the right part.”

Vernon Yuen/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
The Editorial Board
Jimmy Lai Is Arrested in Hong Kong. Freedom Loses Again.

The arrest of the media tycoon marks the most aggressive action yet under new anti-sedition legislation.

Review: Ambition and Sedition at Fox News in ‘Bombshell’
Charlize Theron, Nicole Kidman and Margot Robbie star in a movie about the fall of Roger Ailes.

MoviesDec. 12
Madrid prosecutor calls for sedition charges against Catalan separatist leaders | News | DW | 30.10.2017
Spain's state prosecutor has called for rebellion, sedition and missue of…

Often the anguish was more personal than political. One woman wrote enclosing a cut-out paper dove holding a flaming heart, bitterly recalling “the fidelity which you promised me and which I have given with all my soul”. Whoever the faithless lover was, he never got the letter.

After repeated clashes on the intersection of the civil and secular, he was tried and convicted of sedition and heresy. Facing banishment back to England, he fled south to Narragansett Bay.
The Case Against Racial Colorblindness
Research by Harvard Business School's Michael I. Norton and colleagues shows that attempting to overcome prejudice by ignoring race is an ineffective strategy that—in many cases—only serves to perpetuate bias.

'Good Housekeeping'
c. 1919
What is the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval? Good Housekeeping magazine has always been a pioneer in consumer advocacy. The first edition was published 125 years ago today, with the mission "to produce and perpetuate perfection as (it) may be obtained in the household." Early in its history, the publishers aimed to protect readers from fraudulent advertising, faulty products, and dangerous goods. From 1902, GH refused to accept ads for products that did not deliver on their promises. In 1909, the magazine established a laboratory and test kitchen and issued a "Tested and Approved" seal for products that performed well. That first month, 21 products appeared on the approved list; within two years the list had grown to nearly 200 items. The "Guaranty Seal" made its debut in 1941, guaranteeing that GH would replace or refund any products from the list that were defective. The Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval became a symbol of quality and dependability.
"The only advantage of not being too good a housekeeper is that your guests are so pleased to feel how very much better they are."Eleanor Roosevelt

WASHINGTON — In the fall of 2001, as an anguished nation came to grips with the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, a slender, soft-spoken economics major named Elizabeth Hanson set out to write her senior thesis at Colby College in Maine. Her question was a timely one: How do the world’s three major faith traditions apply economic principles?

Ms. Hanson’s report, “Faithless Heathens: Scriptural Economics of Judaism, Christianity and Islam,” carried a title far more provocative than its contents, said the professor who advised her. But it may have given a hint of her career to come, as an officer for the Central Intelligence Agency specializing in hunting down Islamic extremists.

"Ua mau ke ea o ka aina I ka pono" ("The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness")Hawaii's state motto
The original epigraph preceding the story was from William Shakespeare's As You Like It: "The heathen philosopher, when he had a mind to eat a grape, would open his lips when he put it into his mouth, meaning thereby that grapes were made to eat and lips to open." Poe's final version of the story had a longer epigraph in verse from Les Premiers Traits de l'erudition universelle (The Most Important Characteristics of Universal Wisdom) by Baron Bielfeld.[14]

One Exchange in Boswell has perpetuated the myth about his prose: Johnson utters a terse epigram and immediately translates into Ramblerese.* It was play of mind and may well have been a joke on himself.
Ramblerese. Johnson said first:” It has not enough wit to keep it sweet,” and at once rephrased it:” It has not vitality enough to keep it from putrefaction.” The remark referred to the Duke of Buckingham’s The Rehearsal. The anecdote is in Boswell, May 30, 1784.
Jacques Barzun 從1400頁中選出這段來評論是相當有趣而富「洞識力」的:主要是當時Johnson 已75歲,身體很不舒適,隔年即過世。所以Barzun 說這些發言是他的「(自諷)警句」 (epigram)。

  1. 1.
    disloyal, especially to a spouse or partner.
    "her faithless lover"
  2. 2.
    without religious faith.
    "they were ungodly and faithless"
    synonyms:unbelievingnon-believingirreligious, without religious faith,disbelieving, doubting, scepticalagnostic, atheistic, non-theistic;More
hea·then ('THən) pronunciation
n., pl., -thens, or heathen.
  1. Offensive.
    1. One who adheres to the religion of a people or nation that does not acknowledge the God of Judaism, Christianity, or Islam.
    2. Such persons considered as a group; the unconverted.
  2. Heathen An adherent of a Neopagan religion that seeks to revive the religious beliefs and practices of the ancient Germanic peoples.
  3. Informal.
    1. One who is regarded as irreligious, uncivilized, or unenlightened.
    2. Such persons considered as a group.
[Middle English hethen, from Old English hǣthen.]
heathen hea'then adj.
heathen :異教徒;外教人: (1) 非基督徒:指信仰唯一真神的回教和猶太教。 (2) 指無宗教信仰者或非主要宗教之教徒。

heresy :異端;邪說:指人領洗後,固執地否認某端天主所啟示和教會所定該信的真理,或固執地懷疑某端當信的道理(法典 751 )。

heresyLine breaks: her¦esy
Pronunciation: /ˈhɛrɪsi/
Definition of heresy in English:

NOUN (plural heresies)

1Belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious (especially Christiandoctrine:Huss was burned for heresy[COUNT NOUN]: the doctrine was denounced as a heresy by the pope
1.1Opinion profoundly at odds with what is generallyaccepted:the heresy of being uncommitted to the rightpolitical dogma


Middle English: from Old French heresie, based onLatin haeresis, from Greek hairesis 'choice' (in ecclesiastical Greek 'heretical sect'), from haireomai'choose'.

seditionLine breaks: se|di¦tion
Pronunciation: /sɪˈdɪʃ(ə)n/


Conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.


late Middle English (in the sense 'violent strife'): fromOld French, or from Latin seditio(n-), from sed- 'apart' +itio(n-) 'going' (from the verb ire).

heathendom hea'then·dom or hea'then·ism or hea'then·ry n.


tr.v., -at·ed, -at·ing, -ates.
  1. To cause to continue indefinitely; make perpetual.
  2. To prolong the existence of; cause to be remembered: The new library will perpetuate its founder's great love of learning.
[Latin perpetuāre, perpetuāt-, from perpetuus, continuous. See perpetual.]
perpetuance per·pet'u·ance or per·pet'u·a'tion n.
perpetuator per·pet'u·a'tor n.


 ━━ n. 警句; (寸鉄的)風刺詩.
ep・i・gram・mat・ic ━━ a. 風刺[警句]的な; 警句好きな.
ep・i・gram・mat・i・cal・ly ad.
ep・i・gram・ma・tist ━━ n. 警句家; 風刺詩人.
ep・i・gram・ma・tize ━━ v. 警句[風刺詩]に作る.

noun [C] SPECIALIZED 1. 【物】 雕刻的文字[記錄],刻文,(特指)碑文,銘文;(卷首、文章的)題辭[句],格言
a saying or a part of a poem, play or book put at the beginning of a piece of writing to give the reader some idea of what the piece is about
(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)


