2020年1月27日 星期一

dispiritingly bland, stodge, fish and chips, fish chip, bastion, Swift pint, fish 'n' chips, then business.

The dispiritingly bland Adele and Coldplay are a long way removed from more colourful epochs of UK music, such as the original British Invasion of The Beatles and The Rolling Stones.

(Picture by Getty)

Music from the UK aims for maximum palatability.

Communist rule in Poland ended on this day in 1989. The regime did to the country's national cuisine what it did to so much else: it reduced it to bland stodge characterised by poor ingredients, low standards and low expectations http://econ.st /1USCnoF ‪#‎ econarchive‬

A NATION'S cuisine can sometimes provide a nice history lesson. Take Poland, for instance. With Polish food boasting German, Jewish, Russian and Hungarian...

Brexiteer wants to leave EU so she can 'eat fish and chips from a newspaper again'
We have heard many, many explanations as to why people chose to vote for Brexit in the 2016 EU referendum. From bendy bananas to 'less paperwork' we'v...
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2004/6/17 看報章學點吃喝英文

【本文下兩語請問瑞麟中:Excuse' mois/ cassoulet。屆時再更新。
第一個問題Excuse' mois正確寫法為Excusez-moi=Excuse me
cassoulet [kasulɛ]
nom masculin
sausage and bean hotpot

18:00 2004/61/】

BBC駐北京記者 林慕蓮:

英國最經典的一道食品炸魚配薯條,終於在中國的首都北京安家落戶。與喝下午茶相比,炸魚配薯條在英國更受歡迎。儘管炸魚配薯條還不像愛爾蘭酒吧那樣在全球各地得到普及,不過BBC駐北京記者林慕蓮在她的來信中說,如果這道英國食品能在北京取得成功,那麼也許炸魚配薯條的名聲會徹底改變。 …….

Swift pint, fish 'n' chips, then business.
Xi Jinping UK visit, learn more: bbc.in/1OKD6rA
2017.10.2 我在捷運看到 BURGER KING® 公司廣告由Alaska的魚漿做成的chip,稱之為
fish chip。不過,網路上找不到資料。希望這不是台製的英語詞彙。

fish and chips noun [U]
fish covered with batter (= a mixture of flour, eggs and milk) and then fried and served with pieces of fried potato


There is more to British Cuisine than boiled food as traditional dishes are making a comeback. Rashmi Uday Singh makes a case for the last bastion of the Empire.


(băs'chən, -tē-ən) pronunciation
  1. A projecting part of a fortification.
  2. A well-fortified position.
  3. One that is considered similar to a defensive stronghold: You are a bastion of strength. See synonyms at bulwark.
[French, from Old French bastillon, from bastille, fortress. See bastille.]

Excuse' mois, you French gourmets, but I am going to make a case for British food and of course also for the food in Britain. Sure! you think that British food is all about boiled meats served up with stodge…

Bland - definition of bland by The Free Dictionary


Characterized by a moderate, unperturbed, or tranquil quality, especially: a. Pleasant in manner; smooth: a bland smile. b. Not irritating or stimulating; soothing: ...

heavy food, such as potatoes, bread and rice, which contains too much starch and makes you feel very full stodge 1. 【物】 厚膩的[易使人脹肚子的]食物;枯燥乏味的[無聊的]東西[作品];動作緩慢的人 ;. 暴食,飽食;(在泥濘等中)步履艱難地走


