The dispiritingly bland Adele and Coldplay are a long way removed from more colourful epochs of UK music, such as the original British Invasion of The Beatles and The Rolling Stones.
(Picture by Getty)
2004/6/17 看報章學點吃喝英文
【本文下兩語請問瑞麟中:Excuse' mois/ cassoulet。屆時再更新。
第一個問題Excuse' mois正確寫法為Excusez-moi=Excuse me
cassoulet [kasulɛ]
nom masculin
sausage and bean hotpot
18:00 2004/61/】
BBC駐北京記者 林慕蓮:
英國最經典的一道食品炸魚配薯條,終於在中國的首都北京安家落戶。與喝下午茶相比,炸魚配薯條在英國更受歡迎。儘管炸魚配薯條還不像愛爾蘭酒吧那樣在全球各地得到普及,不過BBC駐北京記者林慕蓮在她的來信中說,如果這道英國食品能在北京取得成功,那麼也許炸魚配薯條的名聲會徹底改變。 …….
fish chip。不過,網路上找不到資料。希望這不是台製的英語詞彙。
fish and chips noun [U]
fish covered with batter (= a mixture of flour, eggs and milk) and then fried and served with pieces of fried potato
There is more to British Cuisine than boiled food as traditional dishes are making a comeback. Rashmi Uday Singh makes a case for the last bastion of the Empire.
(băs'chən, -tē-ən)
- A projecting part of a fortification.
- A well-fortified position.
- One that is considered similar to a defensive stronghold: You are a bastion of strength. See synonyms at bulwark.
Excuse' mois, you French gourmets, but I am going to make a case for British food and of course also for the food in Britain. Sure! you think that British food is all about boiled meats served up with stodge…
Bland - definition of bland by The Free Dictionary
Characterized by a moderate, unperturbed, or tranquil quality, especially: a. Pleasant in manner; smooth: a bland smile. b. Not irritating or stimulating; soothing: ...stodge noun [U] UK INFORMAL DISAPPROVING
heavy food, such as potatoes, bread and rice, which contains too much starch and makes you feel very full stodge 1. 【物】 厚膩的[易使人脹肚子的]食物;枯燥乏味的[無聊的]東西[作品];動作緩慢的人 ;. 暴食,飽食;(在泥濘等中)步履艱難地走