2024年5月27日 星期一

totality, *Indra, Indra's net. Forced to Relive Childhood Horrors in Old Age


Forced to Relive Childhood Horrors in Old Age

The oldest Ukrainians whose towns have been bombarded and overrun by Russia’s invasion have memories of similar miseries at the hands of Nazi Germany in World War II.

By Emile Ducke and Evelina Riabenko

 totality 日/月全蝕



  • 1The whole of something.
    ‘the totality of their current policies’
    1. 1.1Astronomy The moment or duration of total obscuration of the sun or moon during an eclipse.


  • in its totality
    • As a whole.
      ‘a deeper exploration of life in its totality’

胡適日記全集 7: 1934-1939

1939.4.7 頁642
錄下某人引黑格爾Hegal 的 "Definition of Love"
  Love is the ideality of the relativity, of the reality of an infinitesimal portion of the absolute totality of the Absolute Being.


In·dra (ĭn'drəpronunciation
n. Hinduism.
A principal Vedic deity associated with rain and thunder.
Wikipedia article "Indra".━━ n. 【ヒンドゥー教】インドラ ((雨と雷の神;Vedaにおける代表的な神)).


Buddhism Dictionary:

Indra's net

1. Title of the first sutta of the Dīgha Nikāya of the Pāli Canon (See Brahmajāla Sutta).
2. An image used by Fa-tsang to illustrate the Hua-yen 華嚴'teaching of totality' according to which all phenomena in the universe are interrelated. He compared the universe to a cosmic net strung with jewels such that in each jewel can be seen the reflection of all the others. To illustrate this notion he placed a statue of the Buddha in the centre of eight mirrors located according to the major and minor cardinal points, with two additional ones above and below. When the statue was illuminated by a candle the mirrors reflected the image and each other in an infinite series. This demonstrated the Hua-yen tenet that the nature of the entire universe is contained in each particle.
因陀羅是梵語इन्द्र (indra)之音譯,其義本為雷雨之神,
其涵意如第二英釋:珠珠相互輝映無有窮盡。" (rl)


