The wonderful British Museum exhibition 'Places of the Mind' is still running. We highly recommend going, but even if you can't, do not worry.. Our official accompaniment book is a real treat.
Devoted to landscape drawings and watercolours by British artists in the Victorian and modern eras, the book and exhibition are a celebration of their work.
Learn more about the period here →
Someone gave KKK marchers the farty tuba accompaniment they deserved
Absolutely perfect.

Someone gave KKK marchers the farty tuba accompaniment they deserved
I lost my shit when he started playing 'Ride of the Valkyries.'
on Page 226: | |
"... The uncertainty of the language marks, in fact, an important evasion of feeling. The case for extension (the entirely appropriate word) is ..." |
A leading technology company is set to launch a new digital music file format which will embed additional content for fans including lyrics, news updates and images in what could be a successor to the ubiquitous MP3 file.
1. | on Page 9: |
"Saint Fracas (456 -458 A. D. ) had a short but raucous childhood. $. A question mark can turn a declarative or imperative sentence ..." | |
2. | on Page 43: |
"... I do in fact prefer raucous company, but am delighted to be here nevertheless. We did therefore have a pleasant evening ..." |
The composer’s film scores are reminders that in the movies there is no character and no landscape unless there is a musical soundscape too.
Mark Nuccio, a clarinetist worked with the woodwinds, struggling to make himself understood and to get the players in tune. “Very secco, very short,” he said of one passage. Liang Wang, the orchestra’s principal oboist, who is one of the higher-profile Chinese musicians in American orchestras, came into the room and lent a hand, speaking softly in Chinese. He worked at length with a young oboist on a solo from the overture to Johann Strauss’s “Fledermaus.”
sec·co (sĕk'ō)

n., pl. -cos.
The art or an example of painting on dry plaster.
adj. Music.
Of or being a kind of recitative in which the words are sung rapidly to minimal accompaniment, usually just continuo.
[Italian, from Latin siccus, dry.]
ラテン語 siccus形容詞
An atmosphere or environment created by or with sound: the raucous soundscape of a city street; a play with a haunting soundscape.
Mood not bullish as China greets Year of the Ox
AFPBEIJING (AFP) — China gave the Lunar New Year a raucous welcome Monday with parties, feasts and thousands of tonnes of firecrackers, but the mood was far ...
Odetta’s voice was an accompaniment to the black-and-white images of the freedom marchers who walked the roads of Alabama and Mississippi and the boulevards of Washington to end racial discrimination.
I mean, a digital accompaniment can certainly boost a production's professionalism, especially when the only alternative is some beleaguered piano player stumbling through the songs, or a middle-school band honking, out of tune, through a score.
Along, near, at, or to the side: stood with a bodyguard alongside; honked and drove up alongside.
verb [T]
to sing or play an instrument with another musician or singer:
Miss Jessop accompanied Mr Bentley on the piano.
noun [C or U]
a song with piano accompaniment
HUMOROUS We worked to the accompaniment of (= while hearing the sound of) Mr French's drill.
- 1.a musical part which supports or partners an instrument, voice, or group.
"she sang to a guitar accompaniment" - 2.something that supplements or complements something else.
"these biscuits are a lovely accompaniment to tea"
noun [C]
The singer's accompanist on the piano was Charles Harman.
- The raucous, resonant sound characteristic of a wild goose.
- A sound similar to a goose's honk: blew a loud honk on the bass saxophone.
- The blaring sound of the horn on a motor vehicle.
v., honked, honk·ing, honks. v.intr.
To emit a honk.
To cause (a horn) to produce a honk.
- Rough-sounding and harsh: raucous laughter.
- Boisterous and disorderly: “the raucous give and take of American democracy” (Charles Kuralt).
[From Latin raucus.]
raucously rau'cous·ly adv.raucousness rau'cous·ness or rau'ci·ty (rô'sĭ-tē) n.
━━ a. しわがれ声の, 耳ざわりな, 騒々しい.
rau・cous・ly ━━ ad.
rau・cous・ness ━━ n.

ubiquitous:形容詞,無所不在的。例句:Bluetooth technology becomes more ubiquitous in markets around the world.(藍芽技術在全球市場上變得更無所不在。)
noun [C]
an action which is understood to represent or show a characteristic of a person or thing or feeling:
He took off his hat as a mark of respect for her dead husband.
It's the mark of a gentleman to stand up when someone enters the room.
I'd like to give this bottle of wine as a mark of appreciation for all the work you've done for us.
mark Show phonetics
verb [T]
1 to represent or show a characteristic of a person or thing or feeling:
The band's songs have always been marked by controversial lyrics.
The signing of the treaty marked a major milestone on the road to European union.
2 to show respect for or commemorate:
Tomorrow's parade will mark the fiftieth anniversary of the battle.lyr·ic (lĭr'ĭk)

- Of or relating to a category of poetry that expresses subjective thoughts and feelings, often in a songlike style or form.
- Relating to or constituting a poem in this category, such as a sonnet or an ode.
- Of or relating to a writer of poems in this category.
- Lyrical.
- Music.
- Having a singing voice of light volume and modest range.
- Of, relating to, or being musical drama, especially opera: the lyric stage.
- Having a pleasing succession of sounds; melodious.
- Of or relating to the lyre or harp.
- Appropriate for accompaniment by the lyre.
- A lyric poem.
- Music. The words of a song. Often used in the plural.
[French lyrique, of a lyre, from Old French, from Latin lyricus, from Greek lurikos, from lura, lyre.]