2022年7月10日 星期日

cyberweapon. scyberattack, cyberstrike, cybersecurity, cybercrime, Cyber Command, bend, sapling, Either Give In or Give Up,ransomware, plank, misrepresent, reverse mortgages, walk the plank, have a strong stomach, authenticity, overarching

Defense Firm Said U.S. Spies Backed Its Bid for Pegasus Spyware Maker

  • An American contractor is said to have cited support from intelligence officials for its effort to acquire NSO, the blacklisted Israeli spyware company.
  • The episode was the latest skirmish in an ongoing battle among nations to gain control of some of the world’s most powerful cyberweapons.

On his first morning as President Trump’s national security adviser, in 2017, H. R. McMaster invited me to drop by his office. He had heard that The New York Times was getting ready to report on a classified U.S. operation that attempted to sabotage North Korea’s missile programs with cyberstrikes. “Is this the revelation of the modern-day Enigma codes?” he asked, the military historian searching for an analogy from the World War II operation to crack German ciphers.

That’s been the story of the past two decades. Russia has emerged as a disrupter, knowing that it has neither the money nor the technology to take the United States on directly. China has become a builder — why threaten to cut undersea cables, as Vladimir Putin’s submarine force does, if you can dominate global communications? As Rob Joyce, an N.S.A. official who worked for McMaster as the White House cybersecurity coordinator, said: “Russia is the hurricane. … China is climate change.”這就是過去20年發生的事。俄羅斯成了一個攪局者,因為它知道自己既沒有資本也沒有技術與美國直接較量。中國成了一個建造者——如果能主宰全球通訊,又何需像弗拉基米爾·普京(Vladimir Putin)的潛艇部隊那樣威脅切斷海底光纜呢?正如曾在麥克馬斯特手下擔任白宮網絡協調員的國家安全局(NSA)官員羅伯·喬伊斯(Rob Joyce)所說:“俄羅斯是一場颶風……中國則是氣候變化。”

As G.O.P. Bends Toward Trump, Critics Either Give In or Give Up


President Trump has vocal critics, but the Republican Party is increasingly his own, with little room left for an older breed of internationalist conservative.

Make no mistake: The Senate’s bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act is not a healthcare bill. It’s a tax cut for the wealthiest Americans, paid for by a dramatic reduction in healthcare funding for approximately 23 million poor, disabled, and working middle class Americans. America’s wealthiest taxpayers (earning more than $200,000 a year, $250,000 for couples) would get a tax cut totaling $346 billion over 10 years.
If enacted, it would be one of the largest single transfer⋯⋯

Which Republican senators will walk the plank for this terrible health-care bill?
Mitch McConnell has done what Republicans (falsely) accused Democrats…


An ominous development in cybercrime, as a Los Angeles hospital is paralyzed by a ransomware attack.

Ransomware attack takes down LA hospital for hours
One of the greatest threats to private cybersecurity today is ransomware -- a cyberattack that blocks access to a computer until the hacker is paid a…

This is the truth about American Democracy. You have the power to step off the plank, one foot at a time.

Thus in 1848 Marx could make a speech denouncing as “nonsense” the very idea of a revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat, even though that notion formed a core plank of Marxist doctrine. The old Communist academicians used to insist the text of that speech must have been a forgery, but Sperber believes in its authenticity. Marx delivered it to a Rhineland audience then demanding the broadest possible front against authoritarian Prussian rule. Pitting one Rhenish class against another made no sense in that place at that time, so “Marx repudiated his own writing.” The book makes clear that, determined though Marx was to devise an overarching theory of political economy, he was, even in exile, forever preoccupied with German politics and fueled by a lifelong loathing of Prussian despotism. Whatever he wrote in the abstract was informed by the current and concrete.
因此,雖然無產階級革命專政是馬克思主義學說的一個核心組成部分,但在1848年,馬克思發表講話,譴責這個想法是“無稽之談”。舊式的共產主義學 院派以前認定此事是捏造的,但斯珀伯相信它的真實性。在當時,馬克思對萊茵蘭群眾發表了這個演說,呼籲儘可能多的萊茵蘭人對抗普魯士人的專制統治。在那個 時候,那個地方,呼籲一個萊茵蘭階級對抗另一個萊茵蘭階級是不合情理的,所以“馬克思否認了他自己寫的東西”。這本傳記清楚地表明,雖然馬克思下定決心, 要發明一個全面的政治經濟理論,但他首先關注的永遠是德國的政治活動,他畢生對普魯士專制的厭惡也永遠是激勵他行動的一個因素。無論他用抽象的語言寫了些 什麼內容,那些內容都受到了具體時事的影響。

Cyberattacks Seek to Destroy Data, Not Just Disrupt
Corporate leaders have long feared hacking in service of fraud or spying, but now a new threat has taken hold: attackers, possibly with state support, who seem bent on destruction.
“At the start of the effort you need a central plank of control to develop compatible software; it’s essential down the road. If tools are put in place—compilers, libraries, etc.—by these high-performance monolithic efforts, then these tools could be applied to diversification efforts down the line,” says Rau.

Regulators are noting new abuses tied to reverse mortgages, which let people 62 and older borrow money against the value of their homes and not pay it back until they move out or die.

U.S. Is Set to Sue a Dozen Big Banks Over Mortgages
By NELSON D. SCHWARTZ 43 minutes ago

Lawsuits by a federal agency are expected to accuse the banks of misrepresenting the quality of mortgage securities they assembled and sold at the housing bubble’s peak.

Japan: Rethinking Lifetime Employment
But there is one particular plank in its platform that managers—and not just those in Japan—would be wise to reflect upon, just as Peter Drucker did. ...

Pakistan’s No. 1 Enemy: Ex-Ally Bent by Al Qaeda

The terrorist reportedly killed in a missile strike on Wednesday is perhaps the most prominent example of a Taliban fighter who turned against his country.

New iPhone: Cash Cow for Carriers?
Apple's expected release of a new iPhone sets up a critical test of wireless carriers' efforts to bend the economics of the device to their advantage.

The crisis is reverberating across France’s political spectrum. Philippe de Villiers, who leads the conservative Movement for France, called on Mr Domenech to issue a "public apology" to the Irish. And Green leader Daniel Cohn-Bendit said: "You had to have a pretty strong stomach to support France after a game like that."

Now, to stay one jump ahead of fraudsters and their automated programs, researchers are devising more versions of the puzzles, called captchas, to help sites block abuse that includes spam e-mail, illegal postings and skewed online voting.

United States Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) is one of ten unified commands of the United States' Department of Defense. It unifies the direction of cyberspace operations, strengthens DoD cyberspace capabilities, and integrates and ...

アメリカサイバー軍 - Wikipedia

アメリカサイバー軍(アメリカサイバーぐん、United States Cyber Command; USCYBERCOM)は、アメリカ軍のサイバー戦を担当する統合軍である。 目次. 1 概要; 2 任務; 3 設立の経緯; 4 配下の部隊; 5 本拠地とリーダーシップ. 5.1 本拠地; 5.2 リーダーシップ ...

Cyberweapon is commonly defined as a malware agent employed for military, paramilitary, or intelligence objectives as part of a cyberattack.

captcha(Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) A category of technologies used to ensure that a human is making an online transaction rather than a computer. Developed at Carnegie Mellon University, random words or letters are displayed in a camouflaged and distorted fashion so that they can be deciphered by people, but not by software. Users are asked to type in the text they see to verify they are human.


have a strong stomach:片語,指能忍受令人惡心的事 ,經常接to do sth。例句: Some of the war scenes are fairly horrific-you need to have a strong stomach to watch them.(某些戰爭場面非常恐怖,你得要有過人的勇氣才能看下去。)


  • 発音記号[bénd]

[動](bent or((古))〜・ed)(他)[III[名]/V[名][形]]
1 〈長い物・薄い物などを〉曲げる, 曲げて(…の状態に)する. ▼薄い紙・布の場合はfold
bend one's head
おじぎする, うつむく
bend one's neck
bend the knee
bend a crooked iron rod straight
bend oneself double
2 〈意志などを〉曲げる;〈人を〉(…に)屈服させる((to ...))
bend a person's will
bend a person to one's will
3 〈規則などを〉曲げる, 歪曲する
bend the rules
bend the truththe facts]
4 ((英俗))〈人を〉堕落させる.
5 〈弓などの〉弦を引く
bend a bow
6 〈目・耳・歩みなどを〉(…に)向ける;〈心・精力などを〉(…に)向ける, 傾ける((to, toward, on ...))
bend one's ear to supplication
bend one's mind [efforts, thoughts] to ...
bend one's energies toward solving a problem
bend oneself on one's work
7 《海事》〈帆・綱を〉結びつける(fasten)
bend a rope
bend a sail
1 曲がる, たわむ
The bamboo is bending withunderthe weight of the snow.
2I([副])](頭部・上半身を)(…の方向に)曲げる((over, toward ...));かがむ((down, over))
She bent overdownto take off her galoshes.
ガロッシュを靴からはずすために体をかがめた(▼浅くかがむときはlean over).
3I([副])](…に)屈伏する, 服従する((to, before ...))
bend to fate
bend before a person
bend in the face of strong opposition
4 〈道・川などが〉方向が変わる, (…の方向に)曲がる((to, toward ...))
The road bends to the left up ahead.
5 (…に)努力する, 傾注する((to, toward, on ...))
bend to the oars
catch a person bending
((略式))〈人に〉不意打ちをくらわす, 〈人の〉虚をつく.
1 曲がる[曲げる]こと;曲がった状態;湾曲, 屈曲;身をかがめること
a bend of the knee
2 曲がったもの[部分], 湾曲[屈曲]部
a bend in the river
3 《海事》
(1) (ロープの)結び目;結索法.
(2) ((〜s))(船の)外部腰板;(木造船甲板の排水口下の)厚い外板.
4 ((the 〜s))
(1) 潜水病(caisson disease).
(2) 空気[航空]塞栓(そくせん)症(aeroembolism).
5 ((俗))浮かれ騒ぎ.
Get a bend on you!
go on the [a] bend
on the bend
round [around] the bend
(1) ((略式))狂った, 頭にきた
go round the bend
That drove him around the bend.
(2) ((米俗))峠を越して, 古くなって.
(3) ((米俗))酔っぱらって, (麻薬で)ハイになって.

v., bent (bĕnt), bend·ing, bends. v.tr.
  1. To bring (something) into a state of tension: bend a bow.
    1. To cause to assume a curved or angular shape: bend a piece of iron into a horseshoe.
    2. To force to assume a different direction or shape, according to one's own purpose: “Few will have the greatness to bend history itself, but each of us can work to change a small portion of events” (Robert F. Kennedy).
    3. To misrepresent; distort: bend the truth.
    4. To relax or make an exception to: bend a rule to allow more members into the club.
  2. To cause to swerve from a straight line; deflect.
  3. To render submissive; subdue.
  4. To apply (the mind) closely: “The weary naval officer goes to bed at night having bent his brain all day to a scheme of victory” (Jack Beatty).
  5. Nautical. To fasten: bend a mainsail onto the boom.
    1. To deviate from a straight line or position: The lane bends to the right at the bridge.
    2. To assume a curved, crooked, or angular form or direction: The saplings bent in the wind.
  1. To incline the body; stoop.
  2. To make a concession; yield.
  3. To apply oneself closely; concentrate: She bent to her task.
    1. The act or fact of bending.
    2. The state of being bent.
  1. Something bent: a bend in the road.
  2. bends Nautical. The thick planks in a ship's side; wales.
  3. bends (used with a sing. or pl. verb) Decompression sickness. Used with the.
around the bend Slang.
  1. Insane; crazy.
bend (one's) elbow Slang.
  1. To drink alcoholic beverages.
bend out of shape Slang.
  1. To annoy or anger.
bend (or lean) over backward
  1. To make an effort greater than is required.
bend (someone's) ear Slang.
  1. To talk to at length, usually excessively.
[Middle English benden, from Old English bendan.]
SYNONYMS bend, crook, curve, round. These verbs mean to swerve or cause to swerve from a straight line: bent his knees and knelt; crooked an arm around the package; claws that curve under; rounding the lips to articulate an “o”
ANTONYM straighten


  1. 1.
    a young tree, especially one with a slender trunk.
  2. 2.
    a greyhound in its first year.


    1. A piece of lumber cut thicker than a board.
    2. Such pieces of lumber considered as a group; planking.
  1. A foundation; a support.
  2. One of the articles of a political platform.
tr.v., planked, plank·ing, planks.
  1. To furnish or cover with planks: plank a muddy pathway.
  2. To bake or broil and serve (fish or meat) on a plank: “Boards specially made for planking food have grooves . . . to hold juices” (Michael Stern).
  3. To put or set down emphatically or with force.
[Middle English, from Old North French planke, from Late Latin planca, from plancus, flat.]
━━ n. 厚板; 政党綱領の項目.
walk the plank 舷側から突き出た板を目隠して歩かされる ((海賊の死刑)); 否応なしに職をやめさせられる.
━━ vt. 板を張る; 〔話〕 どさっと下に置く ((down)); 〔話〕 すぐ支払う ((down, out)); 〔米〕 板の上で調理して出す.
plank bed (刑務所などの)板ベッド.
plank・ing ━━ n. 板張り; 床張り(すること); ((集合的)) 厚板.

(mĭs-rĕp'rĭ-zĕnt') pronunciation
tr.v., -sent·ed, -sent·ing, -sents.
  1. To give an incorrect or misleading representation of.
  2. To serve incorrectly or dishonestly as an official representative of.
misrepresentation mis·rep're·sen·ta'tion n.
misrepresentative mis·rep're·sen'ta·tive (-zĕn'tə-tĭv) adj.
misrepresenter mis·rep're·sent'er n.


