2017年5月5日 星期五

Slotfood, Kebab, trattoria, cut off, offcuts for döner kebab, braise

In an effort to “preserve decorum and traditions” in the romantic canal city of Venice, local authorities have banned new kebab shops and other fast-food outlets from opening.

Authorities say new measures will stop proliferation of fast-food restaurants that are ‘not compatible’ with city’s heritage

In their constant quest to utilize every part of the beast—and to keep food costs down—chefs have historically turned their creative attention to the offcuts, the nasty bits, the calf’s brains and pig’s feet and everything in between. Thanks to scrap-meat enthusiasts like Mario Batali and London’s Fergus Henderson, no truly sophisticated modern diner would look askance at an oxtail or a duck tongue these days.

EuroVox | 26.05.2008 | 05:30
Italian Vending Machine Eatery Speeds Up Slow Food

It’s neither restaurant nor trattorìa, fast food nor snack bar: the north Italian town of Bologna is about to experience a novel kind of eatery. They’re calling it "Slotfood."

Traditional dishes made by professional restaurant chefs dispensed in plastic containers from a vending machine could be an alternative for those who don’t have the time or money to eat at a restaurant but want a nutritious hot meal rather than a burger or kebab. But will slow food packaged as fast food take off? Maybe if "JakFox," the first slotfood venue, truly reflects the changing face of Italian society. Report: Dany Mitzman


A dish of pieces of meat, fish, or vegetables roasted or grilled on a skewer or spit.
Wikipedia article "Kebab".
n. - 烤醃羊肉串, 肉串上的肉塊
n. - カボブ, カバブ



n.pl. -ri·as or -ri·e (-rē'ĕ).
An informal restaurant or tavern serving simple Italian dishes.
[Italian, from trattore, host, from trattare, to treat, from Latin tractāre. See treat.]


--> ━━ vt. (肉を)蒸し煮する.

döner kebab
Middle-Eastern, Greek, and Turkish (showarma in Arabic); slices of lamb, highly flavoured with herbs and spices, wound around a revolving spit, cooked in front of a vertical charcoal (or sometimes gas) fire. See also kebab.


1. That which is cut off.
2. (Bookbinding) A portion of the printed sheet, in certain sizes of books, that is cut off before folding. 紙邊

碎料 ━━ n. 切り取られた物 ((紙片,木片,肉片,布片など)).

Germany to prevent meat scrap recycling

German authorities have demanded that slaughterhouses dye meat scraps so that they are not "recycled" into mincemeat in defiance of food laws.

The move comes after German meat merchants were arrested for converting the off-cuts, which are legally unfit for human consumption, into meat rolls for use at doner kebab snack-bars.

Officials from Germany's federal and state consumer-protection ministries have called for an EU directive requiring the off-cuts to be marked with a dye or an unpleasant odour. They said that if the EU did not agree, Germany should act alone.

UK’s chief scientist warns 2030 is the cut off to avert climate

If the UK government's chief scientist is to be believed, then growing
world population and climate change will cause a 'perfect storm' of food,
energy and water shortages by 2030.

The DW-WORLD Article

cut off (REMOVE) phrasal verb [M]
to remove a part of something to make it smaller or shorter, using a sharp tool such as a knife:
Remember to cut off the fat before you fry the steak.

plural noun (ALSO cutoff jeans)
a pair of jeans which has had parts of the legs removed


