2017年4月10日 星期一

sexist, sexism, sideshow, gays and lesbians

It is not that women need to learn how to combat “old-fashioned sexism”. Instead, both sexes need to learn the old-fashioned art of conversation

From the archive

英國第一家脫衣舞廳(Lap dance club)1995年開業,現在全國各地共有300多家,倫敦有50多家。 福西特協會說,這給商業文化帶來了巨大衝擊:現在,請看脫衣舞,正在成為公司款待客戶越來越普遍的方式。 福西特協會認為,這深化了職業場所中把女性"性化"的"破壞性文化"。在倫敦的金融城更是如此,因為城中的性騷擾、性歧視已然嚴重到了"令人擔心"的程度。 4月起,福西特協會發動了一場名為"慾望金融城"(Sexism in the City)的運動,目的之一就是要將脫衣舞廳從"商業會晤場所"的名錄上開除出去。

Next to it, a twofer, the lolling giantesses of “Sleep,” from 1866. It offers a vision of precise forms and Rococo pinks and whites, although what is often referred to as a lesbian embrace seems more like an orbit at very close quarters, slightly above the bed.

IAC Blasts Liberty's Bid for Control
IAC fired back at Liberty Media, dismissing the company's moves to oust Barry Diller and other IAC board members as "a desperate sideshow."

Controversy sparked on Microsoft's stance on gay-rights bill
Seattle Times - USA
... discrimination against gays and lesbians failed by a single vote in the state Senate yesterday, a sideshow was springing up around Microsoft's withdrawal of ...


穿插表演。在主舞臺之外表演的餘興節目、活動。【日】余興 ; 副次的事件.
The noun sideshow has 2 meanings:
Meaning #1 : a subordinate incident of little importance relative to the main event
Meaning #2 : a minor show that is part of a larger one (as at the circus)
sideshow noun [C]
1 a small show or attraction in addition to the main entertainment: 
Carol won a large soft toy at a sideshow at the fair. 
2 an event or subject which is connected to another event or subject, but which is considered to be much less important: 
The media still regards women's sport as a sideshow to the main event. 

In America, a sideshow is an extra, secondary production associated with a circus, carnival, fair or other such attraction. Its proper name is a "Ten in One", referring to the practice of having a revolving show of ten acts under a single tent. When a single person or object is featured, it is known as a single-o.

noun [C]
a woman who is sexually attracted to other women:
gays and lesbians


noun [U]
the condition of being a lesbian


Pronunciation: /ˈsɛksɪst/ 


Relating to or characterized by prejudicestereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex:his attitude to women is patronizing and sexistblatantly sexist remark


A person with sexist views:I want to make it clear that I’m certainly not a sexistold-boy networks of sexists who won’t hire women


Pronunciation: /ˈsɛksɪz(ə)m/ 


Prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex:sexism in language is an offensive reminder of the way the culture sees women


  1. Discrimination based on gender, especially discrimination against women.
  2. Attitudes, conditions, or behaviors that promote stereotyping of social roles based on gender.
sexist sex'ist adj. & n.


