2017年4月23日 星期日

hap, mishap, probe, bassinet, fly around the web,

Calvin Tompkins recalls kitchen mishaps and conversation at Ghost Ranch with the legendary painter.

Remembering a long-ago meal at the New Mexico home of the celebrated artist.

McDonald's started as a burger stall in 1948 and opened some 35,000 outlets across the world. But in 2015 it seemingly lost its sizzle. Not for our readers: this blog is among the year's five most popular explainers
Operational mishaps across the world and harsh competition at home makes life hard for McDonald's.
將mishap (運氣不佳等意)翻譯成"悲劇"太沉重:

「國母」!有事嗎?!中國國家主席習近平偕「國母」彭麗媛出訪英國,原本雍容華貴的彭麗媛卻在國宴上頂張「大花臉」見客?!原來是因為粉底中含二氧化矽( silica)成份,雖然可以使妝容完美無瑕,但是照相機閃光燈一打就GG了,英國媒體紛紛揶揄彭麗媛的妝容是場不幸的悲劇(have suffered an unfortunate make-up mishap)。


 Hold It: Instagram’s Users Drop, but Terms of Service Mishap May Not Be to Blame »

There are many reports flying around the web today that Instagram has lost 25% of its users, according to an app-tracking firm AppData.


 Scientist warns of dangers of Taiwan nuclear mishap
Taipei Times
A Japanese nuclear scientist and researcher says that if a nuclear accident occurred at one of northern Taiwan's nuclear power plants, about 30,000 people would die within a short period of time and up to 7 million people could develop cancer from ...



Russians Fight to Save Mars Probe After Mishap

If space engineers cannot save it, the probe, which is loaded with toxic fuel, could re-enter the atmosphere within days or weeks.

As more bring digital devices to national parks, rangers are seeing an increase in mishaps involving technology.


  1. Bad luck.
  2. An unfortunate accident.
IN BRIEF: A misfortune.

pronunciation The adventurers had one mishap after another but they arrived at their destination intact.
Tutor's tip: The teen's "mishap" (misfortune or accident) managed to "misshape" (to provide a wrong or bad shape or form to an object) her father's car beyond repair.

[名][C][U]不幸な出来事, 事故, 災難;((古))不運
without mishap
The haps and mishaps of life are next-door neighbors.
((ことわざ)) 禍福はあざなえる縄のごとし.


an unlucky accident:although there were a few minor mishaps, none of the pancakes stuck to the ceiling the event passed without mishap

Syllabification: (hap)
Pronunciation: /hap/

  • luck; fortune.
  • a chance occurrence, especially an event that is considered unlucky.

verb (haps, happing, happed)

[no object]
  • come about by chance:what can hap to him worthy to be deemed evil?
  • [with infinitive] have the fortune or luck to do something:where’er I happ’d to roam


Middle English: from Old Norse happ


  • 発音記号[bæ`sənét]



