Kingfisher |
What are halcyon days? Halcyon is the ancient Greek term for "kingfisher." According to legend, the halcyon had the ability to calm the waters, making the sea safe for travel. The word came to represent tranquility and prosperity. Shakespeare wrote of halcyon days and of the halcyon herself. In King Lear, he referred to the belief that if the dried carcass of a kingfisher was hung up it would always point its beak in the direction of the wind. Today starts the halcyon days of winter. The period from December 14 to December 28 — seven days before and after the winter solstice — marks the nesting season of the fabled halcyon, who built her nest on the surface of the ocean and quieted the wind and waters while her eggs were hatching.
His father must have been a youth at the time when Geneva passed into the power of the French republic, and would seem to have married and settled in the halcyon days following the restoration of Genevese independence in 1814.
A warm autumn streak is known as a "badger summer" in Sweden and a "quince summer" in Spain.
Pronunciation: /ˈhalsɪən, -ʃ(ə)n/
Definition of halcyon
late Middle English (in the mythological sense): via Latin from Greek alkuōn 'kingfisher' (also halkuōn, by association with hals 'sea' and kuōn 'conceiving')halcyon[hal・cy・on]
- 発音記号[hǽlsiən][名]
1 ハルシオン:冬至のころ風波を鎮めるといわれる神話上の鳥.
2 《鳥》ショウビン:カワセミ科ヤマショウビン属の総称.
3 ((H-))((商標))ハルシオン:睡眠薬.
━━[形]hálcyon dáys[hálcyon dáys]
1 天候の穏やかな冬至前後の2週間.
2 ((主に文))(一般に)のどかな時期, 平穏[太平]な時代.
"Assign'd am I to be the English scourge. This night the siege assuredly I'll raise: Expect Saint Martin's summer, halcyon days, Since I have entered into these wars." — William Shakespeare, Henry VI, Part I
Indian summer
- A period of mild weather occurring in late autumn.
- A pleasant, tranquil, or flourishing period occurring near the end of something: the Indian summer of the administration.
This name in some parts of Europe is given to the season we call Indian Summer, in honor of the good St. Martin. The title of the poem was suggested by the fact that the day it refers to was the exact date of that set apart to the Saint, the 11th of November.
An unseasonably warm, dry and calm weather, usually following a period of colder weather or frost in the late Autumn (or in the Southern hemisphere, where the term is less common, the late Spring).
The origin of other 'Indian' phrases, like Indian giver, Indian sign, are well-known as referring to North American Indians - who prefer to be called Native Americans or, in Canada, First Nations. The term Indian summer reached England in the 19th century, during the heyday of the British Raj in India. This led to the mistaken belief that the term referred to the Indian subcontinent. In fact, the Indians in question were the Native Americans, and the term began use there in the late 18th century.

"Then a severe frost succeeds which prepares it to receive the voluminous coat of snow which is soon to follow; though it is often preceded by a short interval of smoke and mildness, called the Indian Summer."
There are many references to the term in American literature in the following hundred years or so. In the 1830s Indian summer began to be used figuratively, to refer to any late flowering following a period of decline. It was well enough established as a phrase by 1834 for John Greenleaf Whittier to use the term that way, when in his poem Memories he wrote of "The Indian Summer of the heart!". Thomas De Quincey, republished in Bentley's Works of Thomas De Quincey, 1855, wrote:
"An Indian summer crept stealthily over his closing days."
In his story The Guardian Angel, 1867, Oliver Wendell Holmes mentions "an Indian summer of serene widowhood".
The English already had names for the phenomenon - St. Luke’s Summer, St. Martin’s Summer or All-Hallown Summer, but these have now all but disappeared and, like the rest of the world, the term Indian summer has been used in the UK for at least a century.

Why Indian? Well, no one knows but, as is commonplace when no one knows, many people have guessed. Here are a few of the more commonly repeated guesses:
- When European settlers first came across the phenomenon in America it became known as the Indian's Summer.
- The haziness of the Indian Summer weather was caused by prairie fires deliberately set by Native American tribes.
- It was the period when First Nations/Native American peoples harvested their crops.
- The phenomenon was more common in what were then North American Indian territories.
- It relates to the marine shipping trade in the Indian Ocean (this is highly dubious as it is entirely remote from the early US citations).
- It originated from raids on European settlements by Indian war parties, which usually ended in autumn.
- In a parallel with other 'Indian' terms it implied a belief in Indian falsity and untrustworthiness and that an Indian summer was an ersatz copy of the real thing.
The incidence of Indian summers has increased significantly over the past decade or so (in the UK at least - I can't speak for other countries) as one symptom of the unstable weather caused by global warming. The Native Americans espoused, and lived, a life of harmony with nature that is now being put forward by supporters of Deep Green philosophy and the Gaia Theory as a solution to the world's climate problems. It is ironic and sad that they should have given their name to something that has now become associated with global warming.