2023年2月1日 星期三

gene therapy, Gene doping, Dogecoin, a cryptocurrency, it has since crashed, losing roughly 85 percent in value

He has also tweeted about Dogecoin, a cryptocurrency based on a joke about a Shiba Inu dog. The currency skyrocketed in value after Mr. Musk began posting about it, but it has since crashed, losing roughly 85 percent in value since its peak in May 2021.

foundry ( fab), range, gene therapy, Gene doping, Practicing Catholic

What if you could hack your DNA to run faster, jump higher or become stronger? Gene doping is an advanced medical technology that could help athletes recover from injuries, but could also be used by drug cheats to beat the competition

半導体の生産受託会社(foundry ファウンドリー)世界最大手の台湾積体電炉製造(tsmc)は研究開発(r&d)部門の技術者を年内に約2割増員する。日本人も対象に300人程度を補充、r&d全体で2100人の体制にする。世界最大の生産受託会社であるtsmcは半導体の需要が減少する中でも高 ...

Image result for Gene doping
Gene doping is an outgrowth of gene therapy. However, instead of injecting DNA into a person's body for the purpose of restoring some function related to a damaged or missing gene, as in genetherapy, gene doping involves inserting DNA for the purpose of enhancing athletic performance.

Gene Therapy in Sports: Gene Doping | Learn Science at Scitable



