2024年4月27日 星期六

worthy of a sizzling. rile, riled-up, selling the sizzle, lost its sizzle, pulp goddess, indignation, Hamburger Economics: What Sizzling Prices Reveal about Japan's Economy

Hamburgers aren't just quick and easy comfort food. They're an insightful economic indicator. What do rising burger prices say? And what's the secret sauce for creating a "virtuous cycle" in Japan?

Weakened Democrats Bow to Voters, Opting for Total War on Trump


After the election, Democrats debated whether to confront the president or seek compromise, but riled-up liberals have pushed party leaders into an all-out fight.

The consensus on how to deal with Cuban migrants is changing fast, and riling Florida politics

McDonald's started as a burger stall in 1948 and opened some 35,000 outlets across the world. But in 2015 it seemingly lost its sizzle. Not for our readers: this blog is among the year's five most popular explainers

Operational mishaps across the world and harsh competition at home makes life hard for McDonald's.

 Taiwan Riled Up Over First Family Wedding
Wall Street Journal- India (blog)
Taiwan has been in a tizzy since Saturday, when a local TV station released footage of a small banquet held at Taipei's Grand Hotel it said came from a dinner celebrating the marriage of first daughter Lesley Ma. That set off 48 hours of rabid ...

October 5, 2011 -- 3:00 p.m. EDT

TECHNOLOGY Facebook Shares Lose Some Sizzle
The rise in value of Facebook has slowed, with the privately owned shares falling 8% since July -- a sign the social-network hasn't been immune to broader market volatility.

An I.P.O. Built on the Basics: Sugar and Coffee Dunkin' Brands had a debut worthy of a sizzling Internet company, as the fast-food chain's shares surged 46.6 percent on Wednesday.

WASHINGTON — Ask Elizabeth Warren, scourge of Wall Street bankers, how they treat consumers, and she will shake her head with indignation. She will talk about morality, about fairness, about what she calls their “let them eat cake” attitude toward taxpayers. If she is riled enough, she might even spit out the Warren version of an expletive.

Bondage Babe Bettie Page Dies at 85

By Richard Corliss
The movies of Bettie Page, the actress-model who has died in Los Angeles after a heart attack, were sold under the counter, mailed in plain brown wrappers. Yet decades later she was elevated to the status of pulp goddess

In China, Steps to Ease Mortgages as Real Estate Loses Its Sizzle


Charges and Countercharges of Financial Misdeeds Rile Union’s Leadership
A dispute between a Los Angeles local and the leader of the parent union erupted after the local reported an audit’s findings.

intr.v., -zled, -zling, -zles.
  1. To make the hissing sound characteristic of frying fat. The ​sausages are sizzling in the ​pan.
  2. To seethe with anger or indignation.
  3. To be very hot: a summer day that sizzled.
A hissing sound.
the ​sound of ​food ​frying:the sizzle of ​bacon
[Perhaps frequentative of Middle English sissen, to hiss, of imitative origin.]
v. intr. - 發嘶嘶聲
n. - 嘶嘶聲

n. - ジュージューいう音
v. -
ジュージューいう, じりじりする
所以紐約時報這篇報導拉斯維加斯的綜合餐飲業之業績驚人(he expects to exceed $65 million this year.):Setting Restaurant Records by Selling the Sizzle

People like Bono, Paris Hilton, Madonna, Chelsea Clinton and the entire roster of England’s Manchester United soccer team have become fodder for Tao Las Vegas’s marketing blitz.
( fodder 為 A consumable, often inferior item or resource that is in demand and usually abundant supply: romantic novels intended as fodder for the pulp fiction market.)

pulp Show phonetics
1 [S or U] a soft wet mass:
Mash the bananas to a pulp and then mix in the yoghurt.

2 [U] small pieces of paper, cloth or wood mixed with water until they form a soft wet mass, used for making paper:
wood pulp
a pulp mill

3 [U] DISAPPROVING books and magazines which are of low quality in the way they are produced and the stories and articles they contain:
pulp fiction

pulp Show phonetics
verb [T]
to make something into a pulp:
Old newspapers are pulped and recycled.in·dig·na·tion (ĭn'dĭg-nā'shən) pronunciation
Anger aroused by something unjust, mean, or unworthy. See synonyms at anger.

[Middle English indignacioun, from Old French indignation, from Latin indignātiō, indignātiōn-, from indignātus, past participle of indignārī, to regard as unworthy, from indignus, unworthy. See indign.]

to make angry:
Don't let her rile you.
riled (過去形) • riled (過去分詞) • riling (現在分詞) • riles (三人称単数現在)
1 ((略式))…を怒らせる
be rileed up
2 ((米))〈水などを〉かき回して濁す.


