2023年3月19日 星期日

recycler and regurgitator, kerosene, paraffin

“Koons is a recycler and regurgitator of the obvious, which he proceeds to aggrandize in the most obvious way imaginable, by producing oversized versions of cheap stuff in extremely expensive materials,” said a New York Review of Books critic in 2014 when the Whitney Museum mounted a blockbuster Koons retrospective.

A professional regurgitator is an entertainer whose act consists of swallowing and regurgitating various unusual objects. The objects may consist of anything from live animals (live mice: The Great Waldo), to light bulbs, billiard balls (Stevie Starr) and kerosene (Hadji Ali).

Professional regurgitator - Wikipedia


keroseneの意味 - 小学館 プログレッシブ英和中辞典

kerosene, kerosine
音節ker • o • sene

[名]U((米・豪・NZ))灯油(((英)) paraffin


