2021年5月1日 星期六

crimson and carmine, tinged, get rid of , Chionanthus 流蘇屬

At a U.S.-South Korea summit in May, President Joe Biden is expected to tell South Korean counterpart Moon Jae-in to act as an ally.

US visit tinged by promise to China

“He smiled the most exquisite smile, veiled by memory, tinged by dreams.” 
―from TO THE LIGHTHOUSE by Virginia Woolf

Red rose growing in the meadow,
you vaunt yourself bravely
bathed in crimson and carmine:
a rich and fragrant show.
But no: Being fair,
You will be unhappy soon.[3]

Japan's Abe Makes Final, Nationalist-Tinged Pitch to Voters
Wall Street Journal
TOKYO—Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe wrapped up an economy-centered campaign Saturday with shades of nationalist rhetoric, in a possible taste of things to come if his government cements its grip on power in Sunday's election, as expected.


Syllabification: car·mine
Pronunciation: /ˈkärmən, -ˌmīn/ noun


early 18th century: from French carmin, based on Arabic ḳirmiz (see kermes). Compare with crimson.


Pronunciation: /tɪn(d)ʒ/

verb (tinges, tinging or tingeing, tinged)

[with object]
  • colour slightly:a mass of white blossom tinged with pink [with object and complement]:towards the sun the sky was tinged crimson
  • permeate or imbue slightly with a feeling or quality:this visit will be tinged with sadness


  • a trace of a colour:there was a faint pink tinge to the sky
  • a slight trace of a feeling or quality: in their sound you’ll find punky tinges and folky tinges


late 15th century: from Latin tingere 'to dip or colour'. The noun dates from the mid 18th century

get rid of ...[get rid of ...] …を脱する, 免れる, …を取り除く, 追い払う;((英略式))…を売り払う

    get rid of one's debt
    get rid of the past

幾乎,每年春天我都會拜訪這座不起眼的小山頭,探訪流蘇樹的狀況。春天開花的流蘇樹,很難不注意她的存在。微風吹拂下,滿樹潔白的花朵繽紛落下,猶 如下雪般,雪花紛飛,「流蘇雪」的浪漫景緻令人難忘。不僅文人雅士給了流蘇雪的美麗封號,植物學家命名時,依據流蘇屬植物的特性,同樣給了流蘇樹 Chionanthus這樣的拉丁文屬名,是由希臘文chion(雪)和anthos(花)構組而成,指的就是該屬植物都會開著雪白的花朵。
地理分布上,流蘇樹分布在中國、日本、韓國、台灣,其中台灣又僅見北部大漢溪流域,像是桃園、大溪、南崁、林口一帶,天然分布狹隘。在人類都市化發 展過程中,林口、龜山一帶,樹木一棵棵倒下,蒼鬱森林變為水泥叢林,蓋滿了住宅與廠房,只留下虎頭山、林口台地邊坡綠意尚存,提供流蘇樹喘息的生存空間。Chionanthus (pronounced /ˌkaɪ.ɵˈnænθəs/[1]) is a genus of about 80 species of flowering plants in the family Oleaceae.

Chionanthus virginicus flowers
The genus has a wide distribution primarily in the tropics and subtropics, but with two species extending north into temperate regions, one (C. retusus) in eastern Asia and one (C. virginicus) in eastern North America. Most of the tropical species are evergreen, while the two temperate species are deciduous; some botanists restrict Chionanthus to the two deciduous, temperate species, treating the evergreen species in a separate genus Linociera, but apart from leaf persistence, there is no other consistent difference between them.[2][3]
They are shrubs and small to medium-sized trees growing to 3-25 m tall. The leaves are opposite, simple. The flowers are produced in feathery panicles, with a corolla subdivided into four slender lobes; they are white, pale yellow, or tinged pink. The fruit is a drupe containing a single seed.
Selected species
  • Chionanthus albidiflorus Thwaites. Sri Lanka.
  • Chionanthus axillaris R.Br. Australia (Queensland).
  • Chionanthus axilliflorus (Griseb.) Stearn. Caribbean.
  • Chionanthus brachythyrsus (Merrill) P.S.Green. Southern China (Hainan), Vietnam.
  • Chionanthus caudatus (Collett & Hemsley) Bahadur & Gaur. Myanmar.
  • Chionanthus compactus Sw. Caribbean.
  • Chionanthus domingensis Lam. Caribbean.
  • Chionanthus foveolatus (E.Mey.) Stearn (Pock Ironwood). Southern Africa.
  • Chionanthus guangxiensis B.M.Miao. Southeastern China (Guangxi).
  • Chionanthus hainanensis (Merrill & Chun) B.M.Miao. Southern China (Hainan).
  • Chionanthus henryanus P.S.Green. Southwestern China, Myanmar.
  • Chionanthus holdridgei (Camp & Monachino) Stearn. Caribbean.
  • Chionanthus intermedius (Wight) F.Muell. India.
  • Chionanthus ligustrinus (Sw.) Pers. Caribbean.
  • Chionanthus longiflorus (H.L.Li) B.M.Miao. Southwestern China (Yunnan).
  • Chionanthus picrophloia F.Muell. Australia (Queensland).
  • Chionanthus pubescens Kunth. Ecuador, Peru.
  • Chionanthus pygmaeus Small (Pygmy Fringetree). Southeastern United States (Florida).
  • Chionanthus quadristamineus F.Muell. Australia (Norfolk Island).
  • Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxburgh. Australia (Queensland), southern China, India, Nepal, Vietnam.
  • Chionanthus retusus Lindley & Paxton (Chinese Fringetree). China, Japan, Korea.
  • Chionanthus sleumeri (C.T.White) Stearn. Australia (Queensland).
  • Chionanthus virginicus L. (White Fringetree). Eastern United States.


  1. ^ Sunset Western Garden Book, 1995:606–607
  2. ^ "Chionanthus". Flora of China. http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=2&taxon_id=106706.
  3. ^ Stearn, William T. (1976), "Union of Chionanthus and Linociera (Oleaceae)", Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 63: 355, doi:10.2307/2395314

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