2016年11月13日 星期日

turtleneck, throat, abominable, unclammy/clammy, see eye to eye, at each other's throats

'Palestine's' Next Stage

Waterford Treasures Collection Shamrock Hand Cooler - TheHand Cooler is a quintessentially Victorian creation - a solid stone or crystal used to 'cool' the hand, to ensure ones handshake was always dry and unclammy.  Dec 13, 2013

Blue on Blue: Cameron's Tories have turned on each other. What are Boris Johnson and David Cameron really thinking here?

“I confess that one evening, after a particularly abominable day, I sank down on a stone bench weeping and cursing a mock world where millions of lives were being juggled by the clammy hands of consuls and commissaires. I noticed she was crying too, and then I told her that nothing would really have mattered the way it mattered now, had she not gone and done what she did."
--from 'That in Aleppo Once...' by Vladimir Nabokov

George Ibrahim tugs down at the top of his turtleneck and points to the bare skin of his throat. "This," he says in accented English, "is what kasaba means in Arabic. Center of breathing. Center of life."
(By Peter Marks, The Washington Post)

PEOPLE love to mock the middle class. Its narrow-mindedness, complacency and conformism are the mother lode of material for sitcom writers and novelists. But Marx thought “the bourgeoisie…has played a most revolutionary part” in history. And although The Economist rarely sees eye to eye with the father of communism, on this Marx was right.

  1. causing moral revulsion.
    "the uprising was suppressed with abominable cruelty"
    • very bad; terrible.
      "what an abominable mess!"

  2. unclammy



    un- +‎ clammy

  1. unpleasantly damp and sticky or slimy to touch.
    "his skin felt cold and clammy"

    • (of air or atmosphere) damp and unpleasant.
      "the clammy atmosphere of the cave"


see eye to eye
If two people see eye to eye, they agree with each other:
My sisters don't see eye to eye with me about the arrangements.

noun [C]
1 US FOR polo neck

2 UK (US mock turtleneck) a high round collar that does not fold over on itself, or a jumper with this type of collar:
a turtleneck sweater


━━ n. のど, のど元, 気管; のど状のもの; 狭い通路; (器物の)首. ...

  • 他動
  • 1. 〜に溝をつける
  • 2. 〜をしわがれ声で言う
  • 1. のど、咽喉{いんこう}、気管{きかん}、食道{しょくどう}
  • 2. のど状のもの
  • 3. 《溶接》のど厚
  • at each other's throats
    (Definition of at each other's throats from the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)


