2016年11月11日 星期五

diva, prima donna, operatic take, double take, fixated, junkie, fixation, operatically scaled

Va-Va-Va-Volume: Fashion Looks Beyond the Skinny-Jean Look W1

The chic new breed of voluminous clothing—operatically scaled trousers, skirts and tunics—may make women weary of skinny jeans want to live a whole lot larger

  "Is it a coincidence that an Oscar season that is so fixated on “genius” is also so feeble when it comes to women and minorities?"

As the music and literary worlds remember the life and career of Maya Angelou, another eminent American author and poet is drawing attention in New York this week.
"The Raven" has had a rich and recurring place in American popular...


1. BlackBerry's Storm Aims to Blow the iPhone Away
By Anita Hamilton

Research in Motion is reportedly gearing up to launch a hot new phone that will make iPhone junkies do a double-take

Reviewed by TONI BENTLEY
A wide-ranging history of Western man’s erotic fixation on the East, from ancient Chinese sex manuals to Flaubert in Egypt to today’s Bangkok.

Letter from China: A double take on Mao in money-fixated ChinaQ: [Reader]
I did a double take when I saw that Des Moines was mentioned in your New York Times e-mail newsletter last week. Yes, good ol' DSM, for something other than happening to have the caucuses.
Letter from China: A double take on Mao in money-fixated China


diva, prima donna, nonoperatic
"A good scientist is a person with original ideas. A good engineer is a person who makes a design that works with as few original ideas as possible. There are no prima donnas in engineering."

porn diva Vanessa del Rio,
"歌劇在西方的藝術神龕之上,何等尊貴!尤其擁有DIVA封號的歌劇女神,更是皇冠上的鑽石。當派蒂來到倫敦演出,但凡她下車走路之處,皆要鋪上紅色絲絨!然而她們對藝術的自尊自重,並未無限上綱到妄尊自大;因為她們深知:歌,是唱給知音聽的;偶爾搏君一粲,自嘲又何妨? "


n.pl.-vas, or -ve (-vā).
  1. An operatic prima donna.
  2. A very successful singer of nonoperatic music: a jazz diva.
[Italian, from Latin dīva, goddess, feminine of dīvus, god.]

  • [díːvə]
[名](複〜s, -ve 〔-ve〕)(オペラの)著名[偉大]な女性歌手;プリマドンナ.

  • [ɑ`pərǽtik | ɔ`p-]
[形]オペラの, 歌劇の;オペラ風[向き]の.

The noun double take has one meaning:

Meaning #1: a delayed reaction indicating surprise
A delayed reaction to an unusual remark or circumstance, often used as a comic device
WordNet: double take
Note: click on a word meaning below to see its connections and related words.
The noun has one meaning:
Meaning #1: a delayed reaction indicating surprise

fix·ate (fĭk'sāt')

v., -at·ed, -at·ing, -ates.

To make fixed, stable, or stationary.
To focus one's eyes or attention on: fixate a faint object.
To command the attention of exclusively or repeatedly; preoccupy obsessively: “TV and newspapers were fixated on high-technology as the solution to almost everything” (Jay Walljasper).

To attach (oneself) to a person or thing in an immature or neurotic fashion.
In classical psychoanalysis, to cause (the libido) to be arrested at an early stage of psychosexual development.

double take (喜劇役者が)初めはうっかり聞いて笑っているが途中で気がついてぎょっとする仕草.

  1. (對...)過後才恍然大悟
  2. 再次的細看

also junk·y n. Slang., pl. -ies.
  1. A narcotics addict, especially one using heroin.
  2. One who has an insatiable interest or devotion: a sports junkie.

Robert Coles: From Tykes to Tolstoy 1997

  1. The act or process of fixing or fixating.
  2. An obsessive preoccupation.
  3. Psychology. A strong attachment to a person or thing, especially such an attachment formed in childhood or infancy and manifested in immature or neurotic behavior that persists throughout life.

v., -at·ed, -at·ing, -ates. v.tr.
  1. To make fixed, stable, or stationary.
  2. To focus one's eyes or attention on: fixate a faint object.
  3. To command the attention of exclusively or repeatedly; preoccupy obsessively: “TV and newspapers were fixated on high-technology as the solution to almost everything” (Jay Walljasper).
  4. Psychology.
    1. To attach (oneself) to a person or thing in an immature or neurotic fashion.
    2. In classical psychoanalysis, to cause (the libido) to be arrested at an early stage of psychosexual development.
  1. To focus the eyes or attention.
  2. Psychology.
    1. To become attached to a person or thing in an immature or pathological way; form a fixation.
    2. To be arrested at an early stage of psychosexual development.


a. (形容詞 adjective)
  1. 念念不忘的;迷戀的
  2. 他似乎對周遊世界這一想法十分迷戀



  • 1A scene or sequence of sound or vision photographed or recorded continuously at one time: he completed a particularly difficult scene in two takes
    More example sentences
    • I wanted to keep cool throughout the take and not show that my foot was caught.
    • I think it was totally different to any animation movie I have seen before, it was another type of take.
    • When one of them kisses Robbie a little too passionately, Tasha yells out and ruins a take.
  • 1.1A particular version of or approach to something: his own whimsical take on life
3 Printing An amount of copy set up at one time or by one compositor.More example sentences


