2023年11月6日 星期一

complex, penal, Penal-Military Complex. “Napoleon” Complex, a penal colony流放地. grind, sock, pull your socks up, sock it to (someone), penalty/ box, hucksterism, darned, slipper socks, sock hop

本書是一部關於 #宋代 基層士兵的社會史,他們絕大多數都可藉由 #紋身 辨識其身份。紋身在歷史記載中常被忽略,但紋身是宋代世界不可抹滅的面向。而它的無所不在性,又與刑罰-軍制複合體的興起密切相關,這是一套龐大的社會控制、戰爭與勞動體系。
雖然關於宋代與其軍事歷史的制度、戰略、政治層面已有諸多作品,本書是首部查考為國奮戰人們的生活的專書。樂永天(Elad Alyagon,獨立學者,漢學研究中心2012年度獎助訪問學人)檢視軍隊作為被邊緣化的社會族群與菁英階級間的匯聚之處。在此過程中,他揭示軍隊是新的下層不法之徒與國家執法者之間的對抗場所。對於被捲入這個這個體制中的數百萬人——身有刺青的士兵、他們的家族與鄉里——宋代並非一個仁政的時代,而是奴役、暴力與反抗的時代。《黥:紋身的士兵與宋代刑罰-軍制複合體》講述著他們的故事。
🐈原文書名:Inked: Tattooed Soldiers and the Song Empire’s Penal-Military Complex
🐈出版社:Harvard University Press

“I find it lifts me out of wherever I am... I'm just in the grind and find myself thinking, come on Tom, you gotta pull your socks up. You've got stuff to do. You need energy...”
Have you listened to Tom Hiddleston's #OpenEarsProject holiday special yet? 👉http://bit.ly/2EM3b9w

Immediately after Mr. MacFadyen’s death, WikiLeaks issued this Twitter post: “Gavin Macfadyen, beloved director of WikiLeaks, now takes his fists and his fight to battle God. Sock it to him, forever, Gavin.” It was signed “JA.”

1. Cash Leaking Out of 401(k) Plans at Alarming Rate
A quarter of money socked away for retirement comes out early, much of it subject to penalties and income taxes. For many, the venerable 401(k) is just too darned inefficient
As Escapees Stream Out, a Penal Business Thrives
A company with ties to Gov. Chris Christie dominates New Jersey’s system of large halfway houses. There has been little state oversight, despite widespread problems.

Starting next week, Verizon will double the early-termination fee for smartphones. That is, if you get a BlackBerry, Android or similar phone from Verizon, and you decide to switch phones before your two-year contract is up, you'll be socked with a $350 penalty (it used to be $175).

Why Google threw Overstock in the penalty box
Matt Cutts, the head of Google's webspam team, wields major power over Google's search results. By Julianne Pepitone, staff reporterApril 25, 2011: 2:55 PM ET NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Web retailer Overstock.com, which never does anything quietly, ...

Altman socked him, and the man splashed into a swimming pool.



to make an effort to improve your work or behaviour because it is not good enough: He's going to have to pull his socks up if he wants to stay in the team.2019/12/04

noun S ]

grind noun [S] (ACTIVITY)

difficult or boring activity that needs a lot of effort:
Having to type up my handwritten work was a real grind.
The daily grind of taking care of three children was wearing her down.

  1. sock
    verb trans, orig and mainly US

     To hit forcefully. (a.1700 —) .
    B. Chatwin The porter had socked him on the jaw, and he now lay, face down on the paving (1982).

     to sock it to (someone) To hit (someone) forcefully; to let (someone) have it; hence in the catch phrase sock it to me (them, etc.)!, used to express encouragement, sexual invitation, etc. (1877 —) .
    S. Sheldon She reached between his legs and stroked him, whispering, 'Go, baby. Sock it to me' (1970).

     jazz To perform (music) in a swinging manner; esp. in phr. to sock it (out). (1927 —) .
    Radio Times He's spent his evenings singing in pubs...'socking' out the rhythm and blues (1968).

     US To impose something onerous (e.g. a heavy charge) on. (1939 —) .
    Detroit Free Press The township socked the company with a building permit violation (1978). noun

     A hard blow. (a.1700 —) .

     US A strong impact, emphasis, a 'kick'. (1936 —) .
    Arizona Daily Star I figure we have enough speed and sock in our lineup to score runs (1979).

    [Origin unknown.]
  2. sock
    noun, US
  3. —— one's socks off

    informal do something with great energy and enthusiasm:she acted her socks off

  4. 1:
     to knock (or beat, rot) the socks off To beat thoroughly, to trounce. (1845 —) .
    Arizona Daily Star 'Trucks have been beating our socks off,' said...a spokesman for the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway in Chicago. 'But now we have a chance to get some of the business back' (1979).

     to put a sock in it Brit To be quiet, shut up; usu. imperative. (1919 —) .
    N. Shute 'For Christ's sake put a sock in it,' he had said...'and tell them I want an ambulance down here' (1944).

[名](複 〜s 〔-s〕;1でまたsox 〔sks | sks〕)[名]1 ((通例〜s))ソックス(⇒STOCKING 1);靴の中敷き a pair of socksソックス1足 st...
((略式))[動](他)1 …を強く打つ;〈人に〉(石などを)投げつける((with ...)) sock a person with a stone石を人に投げつける I socked him...

sock2 (sŏk) pronunciation

v., socked, sock·ing, socks. v.tr.
To hit or strike forcefully; punch.

To deliver a blow.

A hard blow or punch.

sock it to (someone) Slang.
  1. To deliver a forceful comment, reprimand, or physical blow to someone else.
attack or make a forceful impression on someone.

[Origin unknown.]
hucksterism was in his genes.

Seller of a good or service who will try to sell anything by making misleading promises and assurances. An example is a peddler who will make any kind of guarantee to a tourist to make the sale.

penalty box
An area to the side of an ice-hockey rink in which penalized players wait out the time of their penalties.


  • 発音記号[píːnl] [形]
1 刑罰の;刑事上の, 刑法の
penal laws
a penal system
2 〈罪が〉処罰されるべき;罰として支払うべき, 罰則的な, 懲罰的な
a penal record
a penal charge
a penal rate
懲罰的な(高)金利(penalty rate).
3 刑場として用いた, 刑罰に服する
a penal institution
刑に服する所(刑務所, 感化院など)
a penal colony
penal colony or exile colony is a settlement used to exile prisoners and separate them from the general population by placing them in a remote location, ...


darned [dɑːnd]
adv & adj Slang
(intensifier) this darned car won't start a darned good shot
another word for damned [2] [3]

((米略式))[形]しゃくにさわる;途方もない, いまいましい
Put away that darned toy
━━[副]べらぼうに, ひどく, とても.

A sock is an item of clothing worn on the feet. The foot is among the heaviest producers of sweat in the body, as it is able to produce over 1 US pint (0.47 l) of perspiration per day.[1] Socks help to absorb this sweat and draw it to areas where air can evaporate the perspiration. In cold environments, socks decrease the risk of frostbite. Its name is derived from the loose-fitting slipper, called a soccus in Latin, worn by Roman comic actors.[2]


  1. 1.
    consisting of many different and connected parts.
    "a complex network of water channels"
  2. 2.
    denoting or involving numbers or quantities containing both a real and an imaginary part.
  1. 1.
    a group or system of different things that are linked in a close or complicated way; a network.
    "a complex of mountain roads"
  2. 2.
    a related group of repressed or partly repressed emotionally significant ideas which cause psychic conflict leading to abnormal mental states or behaviour.
  1. make (an atom or compound) form a complex with another.
    "the DNA was complexed with the nuclear extract"

Meijer Recalls Infant Slipper Socks Due to Choking Hazard

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed. It is illegal to resell or attempt to resell a recalled consumer product.
Name of Product: Bumble Bee and Lady Bug Infant Slipper Socks
Units: About 17,400
Importer/Retailer: Meijer Inc., of Grand Rapids, Mich.
Hazard: The balls at the end of the bug’s antennae can detach, posing a choking hazard to young children.
Incidents/Injuries: Meijer received one report of a ball detaching from the antennae. It was found in a child’s crib. No injuries have been reported.
Description: This recall involves Falls Creek brand infant slipper socks, including yellow and black Bumble Bee Slipper Socks, UPC 80640907401, and red and black Lady Bug Slipper Socks, UPC 80640907402. The UPC is located on the sock’s hangtag. They were sold in infant size 0-12 months.
Sold exclusively at: Meijer stores in Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan and Ohio from June 2009 through March 2011 for about $4.
Manufactured in: China
Remedy: Consumers should immediately take the recalled slipper socks away from children and return them to any Meijer store for a full refund.
Consumer Contact: For additional information, contact Meijer at (800) 927-8699 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET Monday through Friday, or visit the firm’s website at www.meijer.com


Images for sock hop costumes

sock hop


North American informal
a social dance at which participants dance in their stockinged feet.


