2020年2月15日 星期六

pharmaceutical, cocoa, cacao, Nutrient , Nutraceutical, Pot Grow House, Crown Estate

A fifth of Canadians have no drug insurance

Researchers will be studying how road salt and excess nutrients impact Lake George using a controlled, in-lake experiment this summer.
It is another facet of The Jefferson Project, the water-quality mapping and monitoring program run by IBM Research, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and The Fund for Lake George.

Authorities believe that the industrious farmers were accessing the site through the Crown Estate—neighboring land that belongs to the Queen of England

Duterte's stronghold could be a hub for luxury chocolates.

Rare cacao variety could be gold mine for Mindanao- Nikkei Asian Review

MANILA -- On the Philippine island of Mindanao, a cacao farm recently began growing a rare variety. A Japanese businessman, who has settled in the Sou

Cocoa bean

The cocoa bean, also cacao bean or simply cocoa or cacao, is the dried and fully fermented fatty seed of Theobroma cacao, from which cocoa solids and cocoa butter can be extracted. Wikipedia

Fresenius Will Acquire APP
Fresenius said it will buy APP Pharmaceuticals for $3.7 billion plus the assumption of $940 million in outstanding debt in a deal that highlights international interest in the U.S. pharmaceutical industry.

(fär'mə-sū'tĭ-kəl) also pharmaceutic (-tĭk)


Of or relating to pharmacy or pharmacists.


A pharmaceutical product or preparation.

[From Late Latin pharmaceuticus, from Greek pharmakeutikos, from pharmakeutēs, preparer of drugs, variant of pharmakeus, from pharmakon, drug.]

adj. - 藥物的, 藥學的

n. - 藥劑, 藥物, 藥品

日本語 (Japanese)

adj. - 製薬の, 薬剤の, 薬学の

Glaxo Seeks Governments' Guidance

Glaxo is letting governments help decide which drugs advance in its research pipeline in a bid to make medicines they will pay for.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nutraceutical is a portmanteau of "nutrition" and "pharmaceutical" and refers to foods claimed to have a medicinal effect on human health. Such foods are also called functional foods. It can also refer to individual chemicals present in common foods. Many such nutraceuticals are phytonutrients.The name was coined by Dr. Stephen Defelice in 1989.

Examples of claims made for nutraceuticals are red wine (resveratrol) as an antioxidant and an anticholesterolemic, broccoli (sulforaphane) as a cancer preventative, and soy and clover (isoflavonoids) to improve arterial health in women. Such claims are being researched and many citations are available via PubMed to ascertain their veracity.

Several nutraceuticals are known. Some examples are flavinoids, antioxidants such as gamma-linolenic acid, beta carotene, anthocyanins, etc. With the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA), USA, several other compounds were added to the list of supplements originally mentioned in FDA notification. Thus many botanical and herbal extracts such as Ginseng, garlic oil,etc found place as nutraceuticals.

Nutraceuticals are often used in nutrient premixes or nutrient systems in the food and pharmaceutical industries.

Quality Management of Nutraceuticals

Chi-Tang Ho and Qun Yi Zheng

The market of nutraceuticals, functional foods, and food supplements is a growing field due to consumer concerns and awareness of health. However, the quality of the products in the field is not well controlled. This volume examines the chemical and biological quality management of nutraceuticals and is divided into three sections. The first provides an overview on the topic and reviews several important classes of nutraceutical compounds, flavonoids, anthocyanins, and marine nutraceuticals. Examples of the chemical analysis of several nutraceutical products on the market such as goldenseal, saw palmetto, green tea, cocoa, and black cohosh are discussed in the second section of the volume. The final section gives the bioactivity of several nutraceutical products such as ginger and gum guggal.


"The 21 papers of this volume, first presented at a symposium in August 2000 in Washington DC, are divided into sections that consider analysis of specific nutraceuticals--including black cohosh, saw palmatto, noni, cranberry, tea, and cocoa--and bioactivity studies. Individual topics include an overview of marine nutraceuticals, marker compounds of herbs and their bioavailability, methods and analysis of anthocyanins, analysis of flavonoids in botanicals, antioxidants in the ginger family, and antioxidant activity of flavanols and flavonoid glycosides in oolong tea. Reflecting the affiliations either in industry or academia of the international group of contributors, Ho is in food science at Rutgers U. and Zheng works for a botanical industry in New Jersey."--SciTech Book News

nutrient is a substance used by an organism to survive, grow, and reproduce. The requirement for dietary nutrient intake applies to animals, plants, fungi, and ...

It's good soil - full of nutrients. 這土壤肥沃——養分很充足。 A healthy diet should provide all your essential nutrients. 健康的飲食應該提供所有必需的營養。


