“Cephalophores" are martyred by beheading and yet do not die. (At least, not immediately.)
Ever since Thomas More wrote Utopia 500 years ago, visionaries from William Morris to Ursula K Leguin have dreamed of ideal worlds. But beneath the fig-leaf of fiction, the results are often bland – or bloody
Sir Thomas More: author of Utopia 烏托邦 was beheaded for refusing to recognize Henry VIII as head of the new Church of England; More was canonized 400 years later (1535)
[L. decollatio: cf. F. décollation.]
1. The act of beheading or state of one beheaded; -- especially used of the execution of St. John the Baptist.
2. A painting representing the beheading of a saint or martyr, esp. of St. John the Baptist.
headman noun [C]
the chief (= leader) of a village or tribe
首領, 職工長.
首長president was found in the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary at the entries listed below.

presidential nomination 〔米〕 大統領候補指名.
presidential primary 〔米〕 (各政党の)大統領予備選挙.
presidential year 〔米〕 大統領選挙の年.

canonization:列入聖品;列入聖人級;宣佈為聖;宣聖;列品:教宗隆重聲明某些足為教會楷模者已升天國,並應接受教會的尊敬、榮耀和讚譽。申 請列品案件首先將候選人之言行、著作、聲譽、奇蹟(殉道者免)等項目交由主教審斷,經調查屬實後,送交聖座,再經專案小組審查,最後由教宗做裁決,宣佈其 為「真福」,可供某地區或某團體敬禮及慶賀。接著可更上一層樓,將此真福者案件送交聖座重新審查,經審查合格(非殉道者需要兩個奇蹟)後,經教宗裁決可宣 佈此真福為「聖人」,可供全球教會敬禮及慶祝。1983年2月7日教宗若望保祿二世頒佈了新的宣聖宗座憲令,聖部法令亦於同日頒佈。參閱 beatification。