2022年12月8日 星期四

tame, otter, caseload dropped, embed, malware, overdoses, Blood Clots, Anaphylaxis

How Will China Turn Its Economy Back On? The World Is About to Find Out.

Pandemic restrictions have been smothering growth. After easing them, Beijing faces the twin challenges of dealing with rising caseloads and wary consumers.

What to Know About Blood Clots, Anaphylaxis and Other Vaccine Fears

Coronavirus latest: Japan sends 1.24m AstraZeneca doses to Taiwan

美国国防部发言人戴维斯海军上校星期二说,有一百多名美国军事顾问嵌入(embedded sic )攻打摩苏尔的伊拉克军队和库尔德敢死军(Pershmerga),准备从伊斯兰国极端组织手中收复这座重要城市。

Last month, Cincinnati had to handle 174 overdoses in the span of just six days. And there is no sign of the caseload getting lighter.
Carfentanil, a potent variation on fentanyl, is being blamed for a wave of opioid overdoses. In Cincinnati, the coroner, crime lab and first responders are…
Microsoft has discovered new computers in China are coming preinstalled with software that is embedded with malware, the company said on its company blog.
Regulators Under Scrutiny in JPMorgan Loss
Of all the examiners embedded at JPMorgan Chase, none worked in the unit behind the bank’s recent trading loss.

Japan’s Quest to Tame Reactors May Take ‘Weeks,’ U.S. Warns

Evacuees receiving radiation scans in Nihonmatsu, Japan. Americans were advised by their embassy to evacuate a radius of 50 miles from the Fukushima plant.

Kavowras crossed the office to a shelf piled with purses and backpacks embedded with hidden cameras. I asked him how the recession had affected the detective business. “Business definitely slowed down last year,” he said. Corporate brand-protection budgets were slashed, and Kavowras’s caseload dropped. “But we’ve been twice as busy this year. Whatever companies avoided last year came back to haunt them this year. You can’t run away from these issues. Some people say, ‘Oh, it’s just China, we don’t really have a market in China.’ But if it’s in China, it’s going to get out. It’s going to wash up on beaches all over the world.”

為了搶搭平板電腦順風車,微軟OEM全球副總裁古傑海默(Steven Guggenheimer)昨(1)日宣布,微軟將推出新版Windows Embeded Compact 7嵌入式平台,第四季釋出RTM版本,包括華碩、宏碁等電腦業者可望有更多選擇,進一步炒熱平板電腦市場氣氛。
RTM(Release to Manufacturing)版本是專門提供電腦廠商大量安裝使用,意謂代工廠採用嵌入式平台的電腦即將進入量產。
微軟大規模參加台北國際電腦展,昨天攤位上一口氣展出宏碁、華碩、LG、漢王等各地廠家共近11款平板電腦產品,主要搭載微軟Windows 7作業系統。
為進一步擴大在電腦產業的影響力,古傑海默宣布,微軟新版Windows Embeded Compact 7嵌入式平台,也將支援平板電腦,第四季釋出RTM版本,提供製造商預載安裝,為出貨預做準備,以取代現有的Windows CE系統。不過,他表示,平板電腦目前看起來還在發展初期,產品定義、定位都還在變化中,微軟不急著為平板電腦量身訂作新的系統。就像前兩年很夯的小筆 電,最近熱潮漸漸退燒,微軟目前以既有產品線,包括Windows 7作業系統和Compact 7嵌入式平台等兩大支線,支援平板電腦。

The number of cases handled in a given period, as by an attorney or by a clinic or social services agency.


(tām) pronunciation
adj., tam·er, tam·est.
  1. Brought from wildness into a domesticated or tractable state.
  2. Naturally unafraid; not timid: "The sea otter is gentle and relatively tame" (Peter Matthiessen).
  3. Submissive; docile; fawning: tame obedience.
  4. Insipid; flat: a tame Christmas party.
  5. Sluggish; languid; inactive: a tame river.
tr.v., tamed, tam·ing, tames.
  1. To make tractable; domesticate.
  2. To subdue or curb.
  3. To tone down; soften.
[Middle English, from Old English tam.]
tamable tam'a·ble or tame'a·ble adj.
tamely tame'ly adv.
tameness tame'ness n.
tamer tam'er n.otter
(ŏt'ər) pronunciation
n., pl., otter, or -ters.
  1. Any of various aquatic, carnivorous mammals of the genus Lutra and allied genera, related to the minks and weasels and having webbed feet and dense, dark brown fur.
  2. The fur of this mammal.
[Middle English oter, from Old English otor.]


  • 発音記号[imbéd]
[動](〜・ded, 〜・ding)(他)
1 ((通例受身))〈物を〉(…に)埋め[はめ]込む, 〈花などを〉(…に)植える((in ...));…を(…で)(埋めるように)ぎっしりと取り囲む((with ...))
dirt embeded in a carpet
2 ((通例受身))…を(心・記憶などに)深くとどめる((in ...)).
3 《文法》〈文を〉埋め込む.


