2018年1月4日 星期四

provocateur, test match, rugby, temperament, palindrome, gauzy

Key Allies Abandon Bannon in Wake of Trump Comments

Stephen K. Bannon is confronting political irrelevance, a dire fate for a publicity-hungry provocateur, as some of his most important backers recoil after his reported criticisms of President Trump and his family.

Author of Trump Book Goes From Local Media Scourge to National Newsmaker

Thanks for the Publicity, Mr. President, Author Says

Right and Left React to the Trump-Bannon Clash

Provocateur’s Book on Clinton Overtakes Her Memoir

Edward Klein’s “Blood Feud: The Clintons vs. the Obamas,” a 320-page unauthorized account, has toppled Hillary Clinton’s “Hard Choices” from its spot on the best-seller list.

高雄左營高中要求學生買票看橄欖球比賽,沒看比賽的同學則要記曠課,讓學生家長氣得大罵。 高雄世運即將開幕,但現在卻傳出為了衝票房,有學校要求學生買票看橄欖球比賽,持有票根體育課可以加分,沒看比賽的同學則要記曠課,讓學生大罵簡直是剝奪他們的權利,強迫他們看 ...

Now an artist and a bit of a provocateur living on the outskirts of Beijing, Mr. Chen said he spent the next 20 years suppressing memories of that day. But last year he began working on a series of paintings based on hundreds of photographs, taken at his unit’s request while he was on the square. They include gauzy images of protesters commandeering a public bus, exuberant students parading with pro-democracy banners and soldiers feeding their abandoned encampments into bonfires.

agent provocateur

Line breaks: agent pro|voca|teur
Pronunciation: /ˌaʒɒ̃ prəˌvɒkəˈtəː, aʒɑ̃ pʀɔvɔkatøʀ/

NOUN (plural agents provocateurs pronunc. same)

A person employed to induce others to break the law so that they can be convicted.


late 19th century: French, literally 'provocative agent'.

By temperament a dadaist and provocateur, Mr. Kagel drew on the musical examples of composers like John Cage and Karlheinz Stockhausen. In “Anagrama,” a work from the 1950s, singers and instrumentalists were called on to emit notes, squeaks, whispers and shouts corresponding to an elaborate system derived from the letters in a Latin palindrome.

An agent provocateur.
n. - 煽動者

日本語 (Japanese)
n. - おとり



━━ n. 気[体]質, 気性; 激しい気質; 過敏; 調節; 【楽】平均律(法).
tem・per・a・men・tal ━━ a. 気性の; かんの強い; 感じやすい; 気まぐれな.
tem・per・a・men・tal・ly ad.the part of your character that affects your moods and the way you behave:
a fiery temperament


━━ n. 回文 ((前後どちらから読んでも同じ語句)).

The adjective has one meaning:
Meaning #1: so thin as to transmit light
Synonyms: diaphanous, filmy, gossamer, see-through, sheer, transparent, vaporous, cobwebb

Rugby Ball
Rugby Ball

game that originated (1823), according to tradition, on the playing fields of Rugby, England. It is related to both soccer and American football. The game is said to have started when a Rugby School student named William Webb Ellis playing soccer picked up the ball and ran downfield with it instead of kicking it. Other English schools and universities adopted the style in the mid-19th cent....
Columbia University Press)

頭版刊登了英格蘭板球隊隊長邁克﹒沃恩的照片。沃恩在英格蘭與南非的對抗賽(Test match)中敗陣後宣佈辭去隊長一職。各報章均描述沃恩在記者會上一度情緒激動,沃恩同時表示希望繼續為英格蘭板球隊效力。

test match
A match in cricket or Rugby played by all-star teams from different countries.
Meaning #1: an international championship match
Synonyms: match game, matched game

test match テストマッチ ((クリケット・ラグビーの国際試合)).

A test match in football is a match played at the end of a season between a team that has done badly in a higher league and one that has done well in a lower league of the same football league system. The winner of the test match plays in the higher league the following year, and the loser in the lower league.


