Secretary of Agriculture Ed Schafer said his department has evidence that Westland did not routinely contact its veterinarian when cattle became non-ambulatory after passing inspection, violating health regulations.
Hillary Clinton 'diagnosed with pneumonia' after 'fainting' at 9/11 memorial
The issue of Hillary Clinton’s health has moved front and centre to the…
The Borowitz Report: The same poll revealed that a broad majority of voters found an unconscious Donald Trump more fit to be President than a conscious one.

- Of, relating to, or adapted for walking.
- Capable of walking; not bedridden: an ambulatory patient.
- Designed for or available to patients who are not bedridden: ambulatory care; ambulatory pediatrics.
- Moving about; itinerant.
- Law. That can be changed or revoked, as a will during the life of the testator.
A covered place for walking, as in a cloister.
ambulatorily am'bu·la·to'ri·ly adv.