2016年8月8日 星期一

wire (SEND MESSAGE), understudy wept crocodile tears

German Bank Slammed for Mistakenly Wiring Lehman Millions
Berlin demanded an inquiry Wednesday into why a German government bank transferred 300 million euros ($427 million) to Lehman Brothers just hours before the US bank collapsed amid continuing turmoil on Wall Street.

crocodile tears
An insincere display of grief, as in When the play's star broke her leg, her understudy wept crocodile tears. This term comes from the mistaken notion that crocodiles weep while eating their prey, one held in ancient Roman times. The actual term was picked up by Shakespeare and many other writers after him, and remains current. [Late 1500s]
(© Houghton Mifflin Company)


━━ v. 【劇】代役(のけいこ)をする.
━━ n. 【劇】(臨時)代役俳優.an actor who learns the parts of other actors in a play, so that he or she can replace them if necessary, for example because they are ill

 understudy training 【労働】実地修習, 実務訓練 ((上位職務・作業への異動を念頭に行われる職務訓練)).


━━ n. 【動】クロコダイル; ((一般に)) ワニ; ワニ皮; 〔英〕 2列に並んで歩く人 ((学童など)).
 crocodile tears 空涙.
 ━━ a., n. ワニ類の(動物).
verb [T] MAINLY US
1 to send a message using an electrical communication system, especially to send an amount of money to someone in this way:
The insurance company wired millions of dollars to its accounts to cover the payments.
[+ two objects] Luckily my father wired me two hundred bucks.

2 in the past, to send someone a telegram:
Janet wired me to say she'd be here a day later than planned.

wire Show phonetics
noun [C] MAINLY US


