2016年8月23日 星期二

striped, in pinstripes, writ, be writ large

'Pink shirts are commonplace in London; so are striped shirts. Such an approach in formal Paris could easily derail an otherwise promising career.'

The biggest difference between French and English men when it comes to business attire is how clothes fit. Choosing what to wear every day for school, albeit under the supervision of parents, makes the French more aware of…

From the Fringe | 04.08.2008
Women's History Is Writ Large in Bavarian Town

Big girls don’t cry, and they don’t dress up as club-wielding, 17th century warriors rabidly defending their city walls, either. But in the Bavarian town of Kronach, Germany, one of those statements is decidedly untrue.

n. - 細條紋, 細條紋的布料
日本語 (Japanese)
n. -
ごく細い縦縞, ピンストライプ, ごく細い縦縞の服
細縞(じま)(の布); その柄の洋服.
pin-striped a.
由於 "pinstripes"(細條紋的西服布料)多為職場穿著, 所以"Q&A: Wikipedia in Pinstripes"探討Wikipedia 製作方式是否能為公司所應用

しま 縞
~の striped.
~のシャツ a striped shirt.
縦[横]~ vertical [horizontal] stripes.
縞模様 a striped pattern.
縞模様横断歩道 〔英〕a zebra crossing.


Pronunciation: /strʌɪp/ 


1A long, narrow band or strip differing in colour or texture from the surface on either side of it:a pair of blue shorts with pink stripes
1.1archaic A blow with a scourge or lash.
2A chevron sewn on to a uniform to denote military rank:he was wearing his old uniform without its sergeant’s stripes
3chiefly North American A type or category:entrepreneurs of all stripes are joining in the offensive


Mark with stripes:her body was striped with bands of sunlight


earn one's stripes

Gain a higher rank in the military.
1.1Deserve a position, status or reputation through work or achievements:she’s earning her stripes by showing how hard she’s willing to work


Late Middle English: perhaps a back-formation from striped, of Dutch or Low German origin; compare with Middle Dutch and Middle Low German strīpe.


Pronunciation: /strʌɪpt/ 


Marked with or having stripes:[IN COMBINATION]: green-striped coat

Companies interested in tapping into the shared expertise of their workers—the wisdom of crowds writ for business—are looking towards models such as Wikipedia that encourage collaboration.

writ 1 

Pronunciation: /rɪt/ 


1A form of written command in the name of a court or other legal authority to act, orabstain from acting, in a particular way:the two reinstated officers issued a writ for libel against the applicantsan action begun by writ or summons
1.1chiefly British A Crown document summoning a peer to Parliament or ordering the election of a member or members of Parliament.
1.2(one's writ) One’s power to enforce compliance or submission; one’s authority:you have business here which is out of my writ and competence
2archaic A piece or body of writing.


Old English, as a general term denoting written matter, from the Germanic base of write.

be writ large FORMAL
to be very obvious:
Her distress was writ large in her face.


