Ikea's spacious cafe in Shanghai is a great hangout spot for retirees. But the store says they bring their own food, don't buy anything and argue loudly. No more, says Ikea.
New research suggests that despite being prone to occasional violent behavior, chimps actually much prefer cooperating over competing.
Author Jennifer Weiner lays into Jonathan Franzen after he accused her of "freeloading on gender bias" to promote herself

Jonathan Franzen: ‘worst internet boyfriend ever’?
Author Jennifer Weiner lays into The Corrections writer after he accused her of ‘freeloading on gender bias’ to promote herself
Political Instability Rises as Pakistani Court Ousts Premier
The high court’s dismissal of Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani on
Tuesday drastically escalated a confrontation between the government and
the judiciary.
The local judiciary was so unnerved by the uproar that it took the unusual step of holding a news conference this week to explain Mr. Shi’s transgressions in detail.
The explanation, however, did little to assuage public anger.
In a commentary he wrote Wednesday in the Beijing News, a lawyer, Xu Mingxuan, said that if the official numbers were to be believed, the greater crime was that Chinese drivers were subjected to exorbitant tolls. “Such figures only highlight the people’s suffering,” he wrote.
With private car ownership soaring in China, the episode seems to have stoked mounting aversion to the tolls that have grown along with the nation’s rapidly expanding highway network. The county has been adding tens of thousands of miles to its highway system, and the vast majority operate with user tolls. A World Bank report in 2007 estimated that mile for mile, Chinese toll rates rivaled those in Germany, where incomes are far more extravagant. One of the capital’s more unpopular highway tolls, for example, is the $1.50 charged for access to the 12-mile highway to Beijing’s international airport. (That roadway’s operators are expected to earn eight times their initial investment, according to government figures.)
Investigators say Merkel was not in any danger and continued her visit to Prague.
Popular aversion to such fees has been inflamed by media reports of freeloading government motorcades and inflated tolls that end up in the pockets of local officials. In 2008, the country’s National Audit Office said that motorists had handed over $2.3 billion at illegally erected tollbooths.
noun 1913
- a procession of motor vehicles, typically carrying and escorting a prominent person.
Pronunciation: /ˈfriːləʊdə/
informal, derogatory
A person who is a freeloading is a person who is basically using you -- most often for a place to live/room and board: a place to stay permanently if they can or just to crash if necessary; a free meal ticket; drugs; clothing; transportation; entertainment, and money-- basically whatever they can get their greedy lil paws on. If at some point you become obsolte or unusable to the freeloader they will usally find another host body (usually a wealthier one) to feed off of. Freeloading requires one to be extrememly manipulative and kniving.
person 1 : I wanted to help my friend M out and invited her to stay with me for a while but she ended up freeloading off of me and sucking me dry of all my recorcources (as stated above); eventually I had to kick her freeloading ass out. She eventually even found a job but still didn't make any attempt at restitution, which is common among freeloaders.
person 2: freeloading is the lowest form of any of these other forms: couch surfers, phrogs, sqatters etc.. because they are usually friends who knowingly betray your trust and are usually just in it to use you. Freeloaders are basically just users at heart and people should be careful of letting freeloaders into their homes, because once they are in they do NOT like to leave.
person 2: freeloading is the lowest form of any of these other forms: couch surfers, phrogs, sqatters etc.. because they are usually friends who knowingly betray your trust and are usually just in it to use you. Freeloaders are basically just users at heart and people should be careful of letting freeloaders into their homes, because once they are in they do NOT like to leave.
- Of or characteristic of a parasite: bloodsucking, parasitic, parasitical. See dependence/independence.