A day filled with the joy of snow, where you can either get out of school or work or futher obligations.
It's a snowtastic day I don't have to go school! I think I'll go skiing to celebrate.
Line breaks: port|cul¦lis
Pronunciation: /pɔːtˈkʌlɪs /
Definition of portcullis in English:
Middle English: from Old French porte coleice 'sliding door', from porte 'door' (from Latin porta) + coleice'sliding' (feminine of couleis, from Latin colare 'to filter').

A portcullis (from the French porte coulissante or gliding door) is a kind of heavy vertically-opening gate typically found in medieval fortifications, consisting of a latticed grille made of wood, metal, or a combination of the two.
Henry VII, the first Tudor monarch, was born #onthisday in 1457. He reigned for 24 years and founded the strong Tudor line which lasted until the death of Queen Elizabeth I in 1603. This flask looks like pottery but is actually made of white glass. It features a portrait of Henry VII on one side and his personal emblem, the Tudor portcullis, on the other ow.ly/HOeAo