2025年3月26日 星期三

counter, dementia, incontinence, frontotemporal, misinformation.In His Second Term, Trump Fuels a ‘Machinery’ of Misinformation

Asking people approaching, or threatened with, death how they feel about it is a welcome addition to the debate about the right to die
Some data about an emotional issue
Time was when cash-strapped Latin American governments would turn to the IMF for the bitter medicine of its bail-outs. No longer. Over the past dozen years the supercycle of rising commodity prices has swelled the region’s coffers, while even the most fiscally incontinent autocrat has been able to count on the Chinese chequebook. Now the bonanza is over http://econ.st/151VyIm

TIME was when cash-strapped Latin American governments would turn to the IMF for the bitter medicine of its bail-outs. No longer. Over the past dozen years the...

  Dementia Rate Is Found to Drop Sharply, as Forecast


Two new studies out of Europe have confirmed what researchers had long suspected: rates would fall and mental acuity improve as populations grew healthier and better educated.
Op-Ed: Preventing Digital Wildfires
We need to build some firewalls to contain the risk of misinformation.

Too Quiet, Again, on Health Care
The Obama campaign has not forcefully countered Republican misinformation on the reform law.
A new technique to treat early prostate cancer may have far fewer side-effects than existing therapies, say experts.
A 41-patient study in the journal Lancet Oncology suggests targeted ultrasound treatment could reduce the risk of impotence and incontinence.
Researchers say it could transform future treatment if the findings are repeated in larger studies.
Incontinence ("a want of continence or self-restraint") is often used by philosophers to translate the Greek term Akrasia (ἀκρασία). Often used to refer to a lacking in moderation or self-control, especially related to sexual desire.[1] This concept is also called wantonness.
In Dante's Inferno incontinence manifests itself as a She-Wolf and causes Dante's allegoric trip through the nine circles of hell; illustrating that Dante thought that incontinence was a enabler of heinous sins. He reasoned a lack of self control would result in unfavorable actions while restraint would yield fruitful returns.
Aristotle in Book VII of Nicomachean Ethics described incontinence as knowing virtue, but not having habituated it to control passion. For example: "Though I know courage is a virtue and understand the benefit to my situation, I am a coward because I have not habituated courage and can't control my fear." (Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics, Book VII).

台湾・日月光半導体、主力工場が操業停止へ 汚水垂れ流し問題

2013/12/20 20:52

 台湾南部の高雄市政府は20日、半導体の検査などで世界最大手の日月光半導体製造(ASE)が同市内に持つ主力工場の操業停止命令を出した。基準 値を超えるニッケルなど有害物質を含んだ排水を出していたとされる。操業停止が長引けば、半導体市況に影響を及ぼす可能性もある。(台北支局)


I 〔大小便の〕垂れ流しをする be incontinent; 〔小便を〕wet [piss (in)] one's pants; 〔大便を〕soil [shit (in)] one's pan...
be incontinent; 〔小便を〕wet [piss (in)] one's pants; 〔大便を〕soil [shit (in)] one's pants (▼piss, shitは...


Syllabification: (in·con·ti·nent)
Translate incontinent | into German | into Italian | into Spanish


  • 1 having no or insufficient voluntary control over urination or defecation.

lacking self-restraint; uncontrolled:the incontinent hysteria of the fans


  • 発音記号[inkɑ'ntənənt | -kɔ'n-]
  • [形]
1 〈人が〉(…を)抑制できない((of ...));〈感情などが〉抑えきれない
be incontinent of anger
2 とめどもない.
3 ((古))情欲を抑えられない, 淫乱(いんらん)な.
4 《病理学》失禁の.
 Dutch create neighborhood for dementia patients

A neighborhood in the Dutch town of Weesp has been created to house people suffering from Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia. It's described as a pioneering approach to mental healthcare.
When Illness Makes a Spouse a Stranger
Like others, Ruth French finds herself grappling with her spouse’s frontotemporal dementia, a group of brain diseases that eat away at personality and language.
The Vanishing Mind

In a Land of the Aging, Children Counter Alzheimer’s

South Korea is training thousands, including children, as “dementia supporters,” to recognize symptoms and care for patients.


  • [diménʃiə]
Pronunciation: /diˈmenSHə/


  • a chronic or persistent disorder of the mental processes caused by brain disease or injury and marked by memory disorders, personality changes, and impaired reasoning.


late 18th century: from Latin, from demens, dement- 'out of one's mind'
[名][U]《精神医学》認知症. ⇒SENILE DEMENTIA.

 frontotemporal dementiaの意味や和訳。 *** (病名)前頭側頭型認知症, 前頭側頭型 痴呆同義語(異表記)Frontotemporal Dementia with ParkinsonismFrontotemporal Lobe Dement.

v., -tered, -ter·ing, -ters. v.tr.
  1. To meet or return (a blow) by another blow.
  2. To move or act in opposition to; oppose.
  3. To offer in response: countered that she was too busy to be thorough.

1 計算器, カウンター.
2 《物理学》(放射線の)計数管. ⇒GEIGER COUNTER
[副](…と)反対[逆]の方向に, 反対[逆]に((to ...))
act counter to one's promise
run counter to common sense
1 (…に)反対の, 逆の, 反する((to ...))
the counter direction
2 (一対の)片方の;(正に対する)副の
a counter list
1 反対[逆](のもの[行動])
as a counter to ...
2 《ボクシング》カウンター;《フェンシング》カウンターパリー.
3 《海事》船尾突出部.
4 《印刷》谷:インクがつかない活字面の凹(おう)所.
5 (靴の)かかと皮.
6 馬の前胸部.
1 …を打ち返す, 迎え撃つ;…に逆襲する.
2 …に反対する, 逆らう;〈…と〉論駁(ろんばく)する((that節))
counter an argument
3 〈問題などを〉阻止[抑止]する, 無効にする.
1 反対する, 逆らう.
2 《チェス》反撃の手をさす;《ボクシング》(…を)打たれながら打ち返す((on ...)).




