2023年5月25日 星期四

incontrovertible, banger, pot banger, headbang, headbanger

While guests enjoyed dessert, Ms. Sneddon sneaked away with Mr. Laird, who cut and styled her long, straight hair into a soft and wavy collarbone-length bob in just 20 minutes. “The first thing she did after we cut it was head to the dance floor and headbang,” Mr. Laird recalled. “She felt amazing, fierce and really liberated.”

"The United States will expose and act against those who use cyberspace, social media and other means to advance campaigns of disinformation, subversion and espionage," National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster said.
The National Security Advisor broke with what has been President Trump's script about the F.B.I. investigation into Russian interference in the election.

“If you’re in a T-shirt and bare feet around the house, you’re using too much,” lectured President Macri. On Twitter, indignant Argentines posted videos of themselves listening to his speech dressed for Arctic conditions
A battle over utility bills is Mauricio Macri’s first big crisis

There are swaths of Drucker’s encyclopedic oeuvre that no longer resonate. They reek of the hair tonic and smoky rooms of 1950s manufacturing companies. But The Essential Drucker, edited and introduced by the man himself, is still remarkably fresh. The essays, a series of incontrovertible meditations on the art of management, are shot through with humanism. Drucker was never aheadbanger and rarely a bore.
德鲁克包罗万象的著作中,有许多已经不再能引起共鸣,它们散发着上世纪50年 代制造公 司里生发水和烟雾缭绕的房间的味道。不过德鲁克本人编辑并作序的《德鲁克管理思想精要》(The Essential Drucker),味道仍然十分清新。书中收录的文献是管理艺术进行了一系列无可辩驳的思索,贯穿着人性的光辉。德鲁克从来都不狂热,也很少枯燥无味。

  1. not able to be denied or disputed.
    "incontrovertible proof"


Pronunciation: /ˈbaŋə/ 


British informal
2An old car in poor condition:they’ve only got an old banger
3A loud explosive firework:these fireworks are no longer bangers but more like explosives


n. Slang
A fan of heavy metal music: "an arena full of headbangers holding their lighters aloft" (Christopher John Farley).

Headbanging is a type of dance which involves violently shaking the head in time with the music, most commonly in heavy metal and rock music.


[mass noun]
  • 1 violent rhythmic shaking of the head by fans of heavy metal music.
violent rocking of the body and shaking or knocking of the head, by children or mentally disordered adults.


