2016年6月28日 星期二

pride, turn on, all but, rein in, pride of place, take pride in, pride oneself on/upon , Londonderry, London Pride, Londoner,

- Gay pride 同性戀自豪日:是同性戀權利運動的一部分,時間是每年6月的最後一個星期日。
- LGBT: 女同性戀(Lesbian)、男同性戀(Gay)、雙性戀(Bisexual)、跨性別(Transgender)。
- 「一群同志」的英文群體名詞也好像已有了共識,叫做a pride of gays。這個群體名詞過去用於獅子,一群獅子就叫a pride of lions。
- Decades ago, the Geography Department at Yale was abolished because it had become a pride of gays.
- To which gay pride do you belong?
Just as Northern Ireland was priding itself on hosting the World Police and Fire Games, a ten-day sporting event, Belfast was plunged into mayhem on August 9th as angry Protestants tried to disrupt a march organised by Catholic Irish nationalists and turned on the police, who reported that 56 of their number had been injured, five badly enough to need hospital treatment http://econ.st/14yFcTf

The French Way of War

The French, as evidenced by their intervention in Mali, take pride in their military capacity and in their independence of action.

Greece selloff reveals doubts over EU rescue
Concern over a potential liquidity shortage at Greece's private-sector banks fueled a sharp selloff in Greek debt and equity markets, suggesting that the European Union's efforts to defuse the crisis with a rescue promise have all but failed.

President Barack Obama and his advisers—stocked with the intellectual heirs of British economist John Meynard Keynes, who argued for government deficit spending to replace missing private-sector demand in a downturn—have acknowledged a need for deficit reductions in the long-run. But the U.S. has urged European nations not to rein in their spending too aggressively now, for fear it could tip the global economy back into recession.

Browser: Google Chrome has a 4.1 version release
ABH News
Last step with the final package, Google Chrome 4.1 version has arrived . The browser gives pride of machine translation and management of private data. ...

IN BRIEF: n. - A native or resident of the capital city of England.

(花卉): bluebells blue and Heuchera pink aka London Pride aka Coral Flower aka coralbell aka alumroot aka Saxifragaceae in garden in London England 1 PAR.jpg

Derry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Derry or Londonderry is the second-biggest city in Northern Ireland and the fourth-biggest city on the island of Ireland. The name Derry is an anglicisation of the ...


Pronunciation: /prʌɪd/ 


1A feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one’s own achievements, theachievements of one’s close associates, or from qualities or possessions that are widelyadmired:the faces of the children’s parents glowed with pridehe takes great pride in his appearance
1.1A person or thing which arouses a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction:the pride of the village is the swimming pool
1.2literary The best state of something; the prime:in the pride of youth
2Consciousness of one’s own dignity:he swallowed his pride and asked for help
2.1The quality of having an excessively high opinion of oneself or one’s importance:the worst sin in a ruler was pride
3[COUNT NOUN] A group of lions forming a social unit:the males in the pride are very tolerant towards all the cubs

turn on

  • 1suddenly attack physically or verbally:he turned on her with cold savagery
  • 2have as the main topic or point of interest:for most businessmen, the central questions will turn on taxation
See parent entry turn
 (pride oneself on/upon)
be especially proud of (a particular quality or skill):he prided himself on his honesty

pride of place

The highest or most important position: The crystal vase enjoyed pride of place on the grand piano.

rein in 放慢, 止住, 控制
rein in 歩調をゆるめさせる, 抑制する

all but
Almost, nearly, as in I've all but finished the book. This expression was used by Andrew Marvell in "Thoughts in a Garden": "Society is all but rude, To this delicious solitude." [Late 1500s]


