2022年9月6日 星期二

bevy, beau, handsomely, playmaker, ruling bloc


On the Ground: Russian and Ukrainian forces are using a bevy of weapons as a deadly war of attrition grinds on in eastern Ukraine.

England’s team boasted a bevy of shooters, but lacked a creative playmaker

How England's football team lost to tiny Iceland
The Achilles heel of English football

Things went awry for Cruz after the New York primary on April 19th, which Trump won handsomely

Ted Cruz bows out after a string of big victories for Donald Trump
Daily chart

Japan upper house vote to set ruling bloc's power
A man casts his vote in Japan's upper house parliamentary elections at a polling station in The Associated Press A man casts his vote in Japan's upper house parliamentary elections at a polling station in Tokyo, Sunday, July 21, 2013. (AP Photo/Itsuo ...
 Japan PM heads for election victory amid policy concerns
TOKYO (Reuters) - Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's ruling bloc looks set for a handsome upper house election win on Sunday, cementing his grip on power and setting the stage for Japan's first stable government since the charismatic Junichiro Koizumi left ...


Pronunciation: /blɒk/
Translate bloc | into Italian | into Spanish


  • a group of countries or political parties with common interests who have formed an alliance:the Soviet bloc a parliamentary bloc


early 20th century: from French, literally 'block'


Pronunciation: /ˈhans(ə)m/
Translate handsome | into French | into German | into Italian | into Spanish

adjective (handsomer, handsomest)

  • 1(of a man) good-looking.
  • (of a woman) striking and imposing rather than conventionally pretty.
  • (of a thing) well made, imposing, and of obvious quality:handsome cookery books
  • 2(of a number, sum of money, or margin) substantial:he was elected by a handsome majority


handsome is as handsome does

proverb character and behaviour are more important than appearance.






Middle English: from hand + -some1. The original sense was 'easy to handle or use', hence 'suitable' and 'apt, clever' (mid 16th century), giving rise to the current appreciatory senses (late 16th century)

beau () pronunciation

n., pl., beaus, or beaux (bōz).
  1. The boyfriend of a woman or girl.
  2. A dandy; a fop.
[French, from beau, bel, handsome, from Latin bellus.]


Pronunciation: /ˈbɛvi/ 

NOUN (plural bevies)

1A large group of people or things of a particular kind:he was surrounded by a bevy of beautiful girls
2rare A group of roe deerquails, or larks:a bevy of larks trill their carefree songs

bev·y (bĕv'ē) pronunciation
n., pl., -ies.
  1. A group of animals or birds, especially larks or quail. See synonyms at flock1.
  2. A group or an assemblage: a bevy of beauties.
[Middle English, from Anglo-Norman bevee.]


