Happy National Poetry Day! #DidYouKnow that John William Waterhouse's 'The Lady of Shalott' was inspired by Tennyson's poem of the same name?
And down the river's dim expanse
Like some bold seer in a trance,
Seeing all his own mischance -
With glassy countenance
Did she look to Camelot.
And at the closing of the day
She loosed the chain, and down she lay;
The broad stream bore her far away,
The Lady of Shalott.
Lustrum, in ancient Rome, was originally a sacrifice for expiation and purification offered by one of the censors of Rome in the name of the Roman people at the close of the taking of the census, which took place every five years. The name came to mean a period of five years, in the same way that a decade is a period of ten years. This was also a part of the process by which new senators were appointed to the Roman Senate.
Quotation: "Thus I turned over the last ten years in my mind, and then, fixing my anxious gaze on the future, I asked myself, 'If, perchance, thou shoulds't prolong this uncertain life of thine for yet two more lustra ... coulds't thou ... face death ... hopefully...?'" -- Francis Petrarch, "Letter to Dionisio da San Sepolcro [The Ascent of Mount Ventoux]" ca. 1336. Trans. J.H Robinson/H.W. Rolfe.
Local governments in Sichuan Province have begun a coordinated campaign to buy the silence of angry parents whose children died during the May earthquake.
NEW YORK, May 28 -- What's truly odd about the demise of a Wall Street firm, it turns out, isn't the noise of the implosion but the quiet of the rubble. A post-calamity hush has settled over Bear Stearns's Manhattan headquarters. Traders who haven't left their desks for years take two-hour lunches....
...Microsoft Open to Yahoo Talks
Microsoft said it is interested in restarting talks to acquire some or all of Yahoo, but only if the company's board is replaced at next month's annual meeting. Icahn again urged shareholders to back his proxy slate. (Complete coverage)
There is one other alternative. That is to choose the option that Microsoft has been offering all along. Mr Yang, in his zeal to preserve the company he started, must now take care not to demolish it by accident.
slate (CHOOSE)
verb [T] US
to be expected to happen in the future or to be expected to be or do something in the future:
[+ to infinitive] Geoff is slated to be the next captain of the football team.
The election is slated for (= the chosen day is) next Thursday.
noun [C] US
the group of people who are chosen by a particular party to take part in an election:
The senator has not got a full slate of delegates in New York.
noun [S or U]
great enthusiasm or eagerness:
reforming/missionary/religious zeal
a zeal for money-making
noun [C]
a person who has very strong opinions about something, and tries to make other people have them too:
a religious zealot
enthusiastic and eager:
a zealous supporter of the government's policies
verb [T]
1 to completely destroy a building, especially in order to use the land for something else:
A number of houses were demolished so that the supermarket could be built.
2 to say or prove that an argument or theory is wrong:
He completely demolished all her arguments.
3 HUMOROUS to quickly eat all the food you have been given:
Joe demolished an enormous plateful of sausages and chips.
4 to easily defeat someone:
In a surprise result, Hibs demolished Rangers 5-0.
noun [C or U]
when something such as a building is destroyed:
the demolition of dangerous buildings

━━ vt. 破壊する; 粉砕する; 打倒する; 〔話〕 平らげる.

━━ n. 破壊, 粉砕; 打破.
demolition derby (車の)激突競技.

demolition derby (車の)激突競技.
noun [S or U]
a sudden calm silence:
There was a deathly hush after she made the announcement.
A hush fell over the room.
INFORMAL Let's have some hush, please! (= Be quiet, please!)
used to tell someone to be quiet:
Hush! You'll wake the baby!
She stood up to address a hushed courtroom.
People still speak in hushed tones (= very quietly) of the murders.
hush money noun [U] INFORMAL
money that is given to someone to make them keep something they know secret:
She claimed that the minister had offered her hush money to keep their child a secret.
- by some chance; perhaps."we dare not go ashore lest perchance we should fall into some snare"
- bad luck."by pure mischance the secret was revealed"
synonyms: accident, misfortune, mishap, misadventure, unfortunate incident, setback,failure, disaster, tragedy, calamity, catastrophe, contretemps, reversal,upset, blow, debacle; More
- an unlucky occurrence.plural noun: mischances