2015年6月4日 星期四

undulate.deep-rooted, apocalyptically

Whether raw or refined, wood continues to impress:http://arc.ht/1IcLBpK
Organic and undulating in nature, wood is rarely perfectly linear or a platonic solid. Nevertheless, humans have long adopted the abundant raw material to se...

A branch of Banca de Economii in Chisinau, Moldova. Hundreds of millions of dollars have disappeared from that bank and two other Moldovan lenders. CreditDaniel Mihailescu/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Moldova, Missing Millions, Finds Only Ash

The disappearance of hundreds of millions of dollars from three lenders, which are now insolvent, could rank among the world’s biggest bank thefts and has exposed deep-rooted corruption.

His predictions for world health are apocalyptically pessimistic. Yet in his bearing, he has the deep-rooted optimism of a person who knows the fight is worthwhile, and believes that, in the end, he'll win it.

“Japan must tackle its deep-rooted fiscal problems,” David Lipton, first deputy managing director of the IMF, said in Tokyo on Tuesday.
IMF第一副總裁戴維•利普頓(David Lipton)週二在東京表示,“日本必須解決其根深蒂固的財政問題。

Definition of undulate in English:


Pronunciation: /ˈʌndjʊleɪt/ 
1Move with a smooth wave-like motion:her body undulated to the thumping rhythm of the music

1.1(usually as adjective undulating) Have a wavy form or outline:delightful views over undulating countryside

Definition of deep-rooted in English:


Firmly embedded in thought, behaviour, or culture, and so having a persistent influence:her deep-rooted fears and anxieties


