2022年5月18日 星期三

“unicorns”, unicorn valuations. social-media mythmaking

The Triumph of Marcos Dynasty Disinformation Is a Warning to the U.S. the family’s false narratives, but social-media mythmaking prevailed in a historic election in the Philippines.


One in three unicorns is now being born in China
In 2010, almost every new billion dollar company that entered the market called US or Europe home. Times are changing. China is now closing the ...

From Espresso: Hunting unicorns used to involve entrapment by a virgin. Now it requires merely the writing of large cheques. Hardly a week passes without a promising tech startup earning a valuation of more than $1 billion from venture capitalists, so becoming (in tech parlance) a unicorn. There are now more than 100 such firms. Nine have been valued at over $10 billion; two—Xiaomi, a Chinese smartphone-maker, and Uber, scourge of taxi drivers the world over—at $40 billion-plus. But doubts about such valuations are growing. Fenwick & West, a law firm, has analysed 37 financing deals. It found that all included protecting investors against losing money—in particular, putting them first in line to get their money back if the company is sold or goes public at a lower price. “Unicorn valuations are not directly comparable to public-company valuations,” the authors conclude. In other words, true unicorns are still rare—even in the magical world of technology http://econ.st/1cqZuoS

The Unicorn List - Fortune


Jan 22, 2015 - They're called “unicorns”—companies that have soared to a $1 billion valuation or higher, based on fundraising. The billion-dollar tech startup  ..


